annoying little brothers

By bubblegirl101 · Jan 21, 2011 · ·
  1. wow i love my brother but what i wouldnt give if he left town. brothers are so annoying and they hug video games and the computer.what to do to solve the problem i dont know hopefully a solution will show up soon.just like how i wish a solution would show up to the fact that i cant type in a question mark.


  1. Midnight_Adventurer
    I share your pain, although my little brother is 18 now. The best advice I can offer is just to ignore him, lol. How old is he? As for question marks. A question has an unknown about it. What is that? Who are you? Why are you doing that? Is she going to fix it? So when you're writing and a character asks something ask yourself, is it a question? ;)
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