Anonymous Author

By Anntoninette · Jan 5, 2018 · ·
  1. My close personal friend wrote this for me :)


  1. BayView
    Do you think you could change the screenshot so your friend's e-mail address isn't showing? It kind of messes up the "anonymous" aspect of things...
      Foxxx likes this.
  2. Anntoninette
    Ok, I figured it out and here is the new upload. Thanks
      BayView likes this.
  3. GrahamLewis
    Okay, I agree with every point except one. The queen is indeed very powerful, and if you lose her, you will find it very difficult to win the game. But if you lose the king, regardless what you think of him, you lose the game. End of story.
      CerebralEcstasy likes this.
  4. CerebralEcstasy
    I agree and disagree. It can be strategically advantageous to lose a queen. No one piece save the king is of more importance. You can always maneuver things to acquire another queen, sometimes you can even play two of them on the same board, while rare you can also play a third. This is also like life. Cheating aside, if a man has multiple queens in his life (significant other, mother, sister, aunt) he could find himself in a position to conquer the world. Sadly, the queens haven't figured out how to play complementary to one another and often fight among themselves leaving the king at a serious disadvantage.
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