Anybody a hyperchondriac?

By Aeroflot · Mar 20, 2009 · ·
  1. Back in October I had gone through a couple weeks of panic attacks before I figured what they were. I think they were caused by watching House all the time, because when I stopped watching that, the attacks stopped.

    But now I'm obsessed with my health. Most of the time I feel fine, but at least once a day, for maybe five to twenty minutes, I worry about my health. Headaches are common, shaky hands, weird feelings in my body, dizziness, nausea. I'm perfectly fine, but you can't convince my mind that every little problem is nothing really. Even common things like getting a headache from yelling or singing too much, which I would get often before the panic attacks, are now worrying me. If I were to get a cold right now I'd probably get over worried.

    I even feel like I'm going to die soon. Not all the time, but at least once a day I feel like that. Nothing suicidal, just like an impending doom sort of thing, like I shouldn't waste my time on anything. I was just thinking of all the books I need to read quickly before I die lol.

    Anybody else feel the same way?


  1. Banzai
    Well at least if it's caused by House, then at least you know it's not lupus. It's never lupus :p
  2. Eoz Eanj
    *Raises hand*

    I have a severe sense of impending doom.. as soon as I get a small headache or sore throat I immediately think I have meningitis, or if I sprain a muscle, I immediately convince myself that I've ruptured an artery and I'm bleeding to death internally.
    It used to be worse a year ago, I was literally afraid of walking around in case of what 'might happen'.. fortunately, after some intense counselling and medication, I've learnt to control my fear of suddenly dying, or at least to the extent where my panic attacks are only sporadic and I can more or less function as a normal member of society ...
    Still, it doesn't rid me of my anxiety, nor the thoughts of what I should do before I abruptly pass away.
  3. Aeroflot
    Oh, wow. What did the counselors tell you about controlling the fear?
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