Between Two Extremes (A Political View)

By ChimmyBear · Nov 13, 2009 · ·
  1. So here I stand, weighing the balance of what is important to me and what is important to my friends and family. I am so tired of being the one standing on the outside, standing alone.

    For the most part, I keep my personal political views private. I do this because I get so much flack for being a liberal independent. I am neither for one side or the other, therefore, it is hard for me to choose sides just for the sake of being identified as this or that. I am for people and what is in their best interest, as well as my own. However, because I am not a "conservative" I am somehow less American? I am some how less important because I am not an out right left wing liberal? I don't argue politics, actually, I deplore it. It is a complete waste of my time and the person arguing. If it doesn't help, then it isn't worth the salt in your bread.

    This has put me in the crossfire. I am a great supporter of the Healthcare Reform here in the US. I am also, involved in a local group, Jacksonville Healthcare Reform. I make no apologies as I feel that people have the right to be insured for many reasons. Those that fill my life do not want it and that is their right. So why make my life hell as a result of their choice? Division today doesn't seem like the answer, why should I say that I am a left winger when, in fact, I am not. Just to say, I am liberal causes those I love to shudder in disbelief. They wont share important events with me because they believe I will not be interested. This is unfair, I care about what is happening. I care about what they feel, yet time and again I am disrespected for my point of view.

    So, my it important to be on a "side"? Is there anything wrong with being on the fence? I have never thought so, it allows one to think objectively about what is happening around them. It keeps the lines open for communication.

    Should I mention my grandmother wants me to write an article for her, against the Healthcare Reform? I said, it would be a contradiction of what I believe. Yeah, that went over well. :rolleyes:


  1. jonathan hernandez13
    There are certain topics that just get under people's skins, politics is one of them:rolleyes:
    Im also left leaning, but the whole idea of having to be on one side is an invention.

    Im also a liberal, but that's only because when I tell people what I believe they label me that, name calling is not exactly a science.

    I am also for a health care alternative, because even the people who do have some kind of coverage either hate what they have and are paying too much or will hate it as soon as someone gets sick.

    I'm surprised to hear that you're on some kind of commitee, you are much more active then I've been:rolleyes:

    I hate the way that opponents of the administration try to put a spin on everything Obama does. Can they get their story straight? They have called him an immigrant and a Muslim, they just look for anything to accuse him with or make up stuff when they can't. They spread lies like about the Health care reform will kill old people, this is just absurd...

    Well, continue to fight the good fight:cool:
  2. ChimmyBear
    Thanks for the comment, Jon.

    LOL...You know, I am only involved with this group because I was invited to attend a meeting. I thought the supporters were well informed and seriously care about the betterment of the people as well as the government. I am mostly a behind the scenes kinda gal but I just had to get involved with this. So while my family is running around getting their books signed at Barnes and Noble....I will be working with others in my community as we try to make a difference for us all.

    Truly, I don't understand people and I can't figure out why anyone would just take to being spoon fed any political information, whether it be truthful or not.
  3. losthawken
    I think being on the fence on some issues is fine. I find it really odd and contrived that American culture tries to divide everything into one of two boxes.

    What a ridiculous idea. Don't we all have a range of opinions on a range of topics?? Why do I have to be put into a box in order for people to understand me? Why can't they just listen to what I believe and why? I agree that it is frustrating.

    The Health Care reform is a great example for me. I am all for everyone getting their needs met and lowering health care costs. I think that the principal is great and vital to the betterment of the US.

    But for me its a matter of trust, and when I look at Gov't organizations like FEMA and my particular state Dept of Human services (which literally misplaced some $2 million a few years back) I just don't have faith that the US Gov't can get the job done without wasting colossal amounts of money.

    So yeah, I'm on the fence on that one...
  4. Pallas
    Though thankless you may remain and perpetually criticized, It is indeed admirable to work for the community. I suspect much of the conflict is founded on misinformation and the fear of bureaucracy. I have never been one to be opinionated or carry ponderous political views, but to me, being of a certain label or camp is less important than ensuring the millions that suffer without coverage. If it means a better standard of living, then indeed I say more governance please.
  5. Lavarian
    I am a registered independant and I agree that this whole business of having to be completely on one side is absurd.
    However, my convictions lead me to be right leaning because there are a few key issues which I take a firm stance on.
    Healthcare reform is not one of these issues.
    I am all for making things better, but perhaps not in the way that many propose.
  6. ChimmyBear
    I agree with you Lavarian.

    Why is it that people assume to know why or why we don't take the stands that we take?
    They all assume that I am for giving away handouts, I am not. But because I support certain issues, it is just assumed that I am one of those who wants to be in the "clique". This is so far from the truth.

    They will not ask what I stand for, yet ridicule me for NOT standing with them. *sigh*

    Thank you Pallas and Lost, for your contribution to this blog. Perhaps one day it things will get better. :)
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