Beware of Stobor (political nonsense)

By Iain Aschendale · Nov 17, 2021 · ·
  1. So there are two trials going on in the states now where armed men claimed that they had to kill unarmed men because if the unarmed men took their guns, the lives of the potentially unarmed men would be in danger.

    If you're so scared of the gun that *you* brought to the fight, you're definitely doing something wrong. Kind of shades of "Tunnel in the Sky" where the MC was warned against bringing a big gun with him because it would only give him the illusion, not the reality, of safety.

    That's all, just some unfocused musing.


  1. big soft moose
    this is true - except that in tunnel in the sky the solution was to carry two knives... I'm not 100% sure that is the right option here
      Iain Aschendale likes this.
  2. QueenOfPlants
    Always bring an atomic bomb to a gunfight.
      Chromewriter likes this.
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