Can I Have Some Wine?

By Avana · Apr 10, 2017 · ·
  1. Okay so I started writing my final assignments for my masters (5000wd piece on "Launching the Manuscript", And my 20,000wd dissertation) after having a year off and have joined this website with the hopes of using it to help me chew through my thoughts, help me with reflection and critiquing other people's work, which in my opinion, greatly helps me to be able to assess my own work.

    So a bit of background – I live in the UK, my work is dictated as I am disabled and unable to use my hands. It makes the writing process very interesting because it's not so much writing as it is speaking. Thank God for modern technology!

    Being able to read other people's work and their opinions, being able to debate and talk about writing is something I really enjoy and I'm looking forward to doing again once I've managed to get my head around this enormous writing forum. And who knows? Perhaps one or two of you out there will read this and maybe join me in a glass of wine even if it is only 4 o'clock in the afternoon! :)
    matwoolf and Cave Troll like this.


  1. Cave Troll
    Well I had a beer on Monday about 4, does that count? :supersmile:

    Welcome back, and hope to see you around. :superhello:
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