cruelty to characters

By ClusterChuck · Jan 6, 2012 · ·
  1. Have you seen a movie called 'stranger than fiction?' Very meta. It's about an tax auditor who's going through a midlife crisis. He starts hearing a narration in his head over what it is he's doing. Not all the time but sometimes. He chases down the voice to a british author who only writes really good fiction where the main characters die (after he spends half the movie finding out if his story is tragic or comic.) It turn out her new book she's been working is about a tax auditor going through a midlife crisis. She's finishing the second to last chapter and he shows up at her place and reality pretty much breaks down. Then she must decide to finish the novel as she wanted and kill him off for the good of the story which is her best so far, or write in his happy ending and make it not so good... Not to mention her wondering about the school teacher she's killed off, and the dentist, and the salesman...

    So just think about that next time youu have your MC tied to a stake in some psycho's basement with thier eyelids burnt off.


  1. story_teller
    I had a series of nightmares that featured a character I killed off once.
  2. LaGs
    You should check out 'At Swim Two Birds' by Flann O'Brien if you're interested in metafiction. Brilliant Novel
  3. Ixloriana
    "Little did he know that this series of events was about to lead to his untimely death...."

    Makes me wonder, though. She was writing about a tax auditor going through a midlife crisis... but was she writing about a tax auditor going through a midlife crisis who starts to hear narration and hunts down the author who is writing his story? And if she writes that he finds the author, is she then writing herself into the story? If she's become a character in her own story, does that mean that she's writing her own story from inside of it? ...You know what, never mind. Thinking about this is like looking into a TV with the camera pointed at it.

    This reminds me of a funny story of something that happened when I was playing an RPG with a group of friends. We had a setting that was close enough to modern day that one guy in our group, Rob, managed to create a character loosely* based on himself. Anyway, during the course of the game, we got news that Rob was going to be transferred overseas in a few months, which was sad. At one point, his character in the game got a promotion and didn't have to leave. ...The next thing we know, Rob is telling us that he got a promotion and didn't have to leave! One thing led to another and the game stopped. A few weeks later, Rob tells us that he's being shipped out again! Terribly coincidental. It's now like a year later, and the rest of us are playing a new game -- same GM -- which is some crazy post-apocalyptic thing. The GM brings back Rob's character as an NPC. A couple weeks later... Rob sends us a message on Facebook: he's being moved back to the area!

    ....We have decided our GM is magic. I told him my character would like to write a book. Unfortunately, she is too busy not being eaten by monsters. :(

    *(Rob has extensive military training. The long story short here is that his character did not have enough points to be as awesome as Rob actually is. I find this hilarious. Then I remember that the system we were playing with was designed for superheroes, and I find it scary.)
  4. ClusterChuck
    At swim two birds is now in my to read list.

    Table top role playing... Thats all god does nowadays. He use to be so active!
  5. CamiMck
    Thts kinda weird but I've had a similar experience! :eek:
  6. Robin Trenbath
    This is terrible! We should set up a Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Main Characters - they deserve better than this!
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