Current works in progress

By Shadow Dragon · Dec 5, 2008 ·
  1. Sagas of Aether: The Ares Saga Book I: Revolution (Novel)- Currently almost half done the first draft.
    Themes - Love (both family/friend kind and romantic), Betrayal, Honor, Loyalty, Blurring the line between Good and Evil
    Rating: R - Sex, violence, rape, disturbing scenes

    Sagas of Aether: Prey (Novellete) - Still in the idea phase
    Themes To Be Announced
    Rating: Probably R

    Sagas of Aether: Akio Saga (Novellete) - Just started writing it.
    Themes - Protecting your family, the line between soldier and savage, Race/Ethnicity
    Rating: PG 13 possible R - Violence

    Sacrifice (poem) - finished, currently waiting for a responce from Strange Horizons.
    Themes: Love (family kind as opposed to romantic), giving your life for someone
    Rating: E - alright for all ages

    The Horizon (poem) - finished, currently waiting for a responce from Strange Horizons
    Themes: Ambition, Conquest
    Rating: E - alright for anyone


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