
By ilovetowrite001 · Aug 12, 2011 · ·
  1. There are dreams inside
    and out of my mind
    I can see them trying to fly
    but they fall i Don't know why
    i try to catch them but
    they leave me to cry
    i miss my soul away
    they steal it away
    sorry i can't stay
    here any more
    that's not what i'm look for
    my sky is dark
    i can't find my art
    I miss my heart
    with this hurt
    can you help me?
    I need you
    can you help me ?
    or should i die soon?

    I can't see the moon
    should i dream
    or get down a tear
    don't leave me now
    cause i need you


  1. SupposedPolecat
    Very beautiful. Dreams are certainly something that need holding onto
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