Dystopia in Teenagers

By candid · Oct 2, 2011 · ·
  1. Dystopia, the opposed of Utopia, is the word for what we call the state in which life is extremely suffering with Terror, Oppression or Suppression , any sort of deprivation is inclusive of dystopia. Well, nowadays the teens are incessantly falling preys to all the bad or life sucking habits, and the reason behind this seems to be the stress that makes them feel the need to make an improvisation, or can say that rapprochements are needed only when the gratification is met out, to fulfill their desires they sometimes carry a rebellious attitude towards their acquaintances, pals, friends, whom they began to consider as one of the bodging ilk on the planet. During the whole period of suffering the time which they spend totally goes with their fickle-minded plans which they began to execute on their respective lives.

    Teenage is the puberty age in which hormonal disturbances , some internal changes take place, that is the reason we , the teenagers sometimes find more relaxation in smoking and drinking, and somewhere the reason behind the chain smoking is our sexual frustration which is becoming a vital part of our lives. Teens develop most of the times a habit of sullen temper, they like to be with themselves as they find themselves more convoluted as well as convivial in themselves at the same time. The rekindled feelings of love, sex, making friends of opposite sex seems more ubiquitous. We sometimes become odious as verisimilitude exists somewhere.

    This verdant age of the striplings is imbued with emulation, to subdue others, their counterparts to the intimidating phase. Prominence, fame, and their rapacious attitude are the essentials of what they are made of. Juveniles sometimes develop Narcissism , the habit of admiring yourself and your appearance too much, to be self obsessed , as they find themselves on their own dais and this the very ambo from which they just like to be heard , as they need to be heard the most. I reckon there exists a motley breed of nasty, frustrating, depressed, dejected ,casuist teens with resolute intentions. Albeit this age which I have termed the “Age of Perceptive Suppression” is being named so, as the versatile beings are turned into the adults in flying colors. To efface the self developed or thrown vanities, some become voracious readers, some remain gullible and many turn agile-minded.

    Tersely it can be said that there may be varied teens of varied perspectives but generally what I have conceived is everybody in this age is misanthrope, he/she might not like man kind but a day comes when they come out of this abyss and give an outset to resuscitate their resonant surrounding…


  1. mugen shiyo
    That's a pretty interesting view into the world around you, though ironic because the post itself seems a little dystopian. I don't think it's all that bad, though. May seem like it while you're in the pressure cooker, but looking back it won't seem half as bad. Might even get a laugh out of it.
  2. teacherayala
    Hormonal changes do have something to do with it, but I wouldn't chalk it all up to "sexual frustration" as to the primary cause just yet. It's a stage of life between adulthood and childhood. That said, it is a time of life that has similarities to childhood in that you are still dependent on your parents and still required to obey their rules. The growing ability to reason and function independently begins to clash with the state of dependence that you are still currently in. However, teenagers still tend to hold onto some rather immature qualities, or at least qualities that most adults would see as "immature." Hence why peer pressure is such a strong influence among teenagers as opposed to adults.

    Teenagers are also in an age of uncertainty--uncertainty about relationships and their eventual outcome (friends/boyfriends, etc. come and go quickly) as well as their future plans for college, career, and the responsible life of adulthood. Teenagers want to be treated like adults, but some may not be ready for all of the hard-core responsibilities and consequences that being an adult brings. At the same time, they are chafing at being identified as children in their social and parental status.

    Not all teenagers are "sullen," although they can be stereotyped as such. However, the in-between stage of teenagerhood certainly causes a kind of clash within them as well as in society. Teenagers strive for nonconformity, and yet they can be extremely conformist in the way that they seek out peer attention and acceptance. There are some tendencies toward Narcissisim but not because they are "in-love" with themselves, but rather because they are always questioning whether the outside world is really willing to "love them." Hence the obsessions with appearance, popularity, comments on Facebook/Youtube, etc. Their self-worth always hinges on the perceptions of those around them and is then very changeable--because people always change and attitudes always change. Loyalties change as well. This changeability only increases the feelings of insecurity and uncertainty.
  3. candid
    Thanks ...
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