Entertaining getting some work done here...

By ScarletSimple · Feb 24, 2011 · ·
  1. I think I have always wanted to write the stories that were in my head. Once in third grade I wrote an over 100 page book about aliens abducting my classmates and how my best friend and I survived to be heroes. Needless to say the kids who picked on us did not die well.

    These days I tend to over think my plots and underestimate my abilities until I am frozen in a state on non-writing. I have, over and over and over started writing and never finished any of it.

    I am joining this board/forum/blog community as a bit of support for beginning something new. Instead of going back to something that I have overcomplicated and need to sort out I have started something new, and a little lighter. I'm in the planning stages, but I have actually given myself a deadline for my outline: Monday.

    Or bust?


  1. domspencer
    Good on you Scarlet - you need a good dose of salts to get the creativity flowing. Get it out! I can fully relate to the whole frozen in a state of non-writing thing, though for me it's been, like, always, i.e. I haven't achieved anything yet! I hope the forum will be good for you.
  2. Bay K.
    I feel your pain, friend. But keep trudging on. Writing can be such a teasing b----!
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