First blog post, ever.

By Pens · May 15, 2012 · ·
  1. I've never had a blog, nor have I ever cared to. I've probably been afraid of what may become an addiction, should I indulge in "blogging". I am posting this as a curious experiment; like not wanting to swim, but checking the temperature of the water anyway.

    I will write here very freely, as I would speak, trying to abstain from the severe editor inside me. I don't mean that I'll be divulging top-secret information about my life, but I will try to maintain a dialogue that flows conversationally.

    I am a shiny, brand-new member of the forums, and of writing. I am focusing on short story writing until novel ideas begin to bubble to the surface of my mind. I am reading short stories every chance I get, from many genres and many authors. Also, I've started critiquing the short stories of other members, which I’ll try to do at least a couple a day.

    I think I’ll also participate in the short story and poetry competition each week.


  1. Henri Le Rennet
    Excellent! Welcome! I am experimenting with blogging as well. A few friends of mine have been actively blogging in various music forums, so I figured I would give it try. A few recommendations for short stories, if you're interested: Flannery O'Connor's 'A Good Man is Hard to Find' (essentially an anthology of short stories and is very well written) & David Sedaris's 'Engulfed in Flames' (very different from O'Connor, but well written as well).
  2. kshoebee
    Hi there, welcome!

    I am new to blogging, as well. Hope you find critiquing, reading and blogging helpful and most importantly, fun!
  3. Pens
    Thanks gentlemen (I'm guessing.). I had an encounter with one of the mods that has shaken my desire to blog here. An entry of mine was deleted because it linked to a poem I wrote and entered into a contest. Since I don't know what will or won't be deleted, I now approach posting reserved and careful, which defeats the purpose of blogging, I think.
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