First message

By pinelopikappa · Oct 6, 2009 · ·
  1. So, we can post absolutely anything here? I've attempted some blog-writing in the past, but it ended after a couple of messages.

    Ok, here is my first message.
    I got an e-mail from a friend about an incident that happened to a young woman in my hometown. It sounds like an urban legend to me, but there is the actual police report of what happened.
    It involves a car, an old lady, no old lady, a bag, a cleaver, some traffic lights and some serious guts.
    Now, given the fact that it's a true story, can I just fill in the gaps and turn it into a short story of my own, or do I have to forever apologize for all the borrowing?
    I am after all part of the tradition of many writers producing their own version of the same old story.
    What do you think?


  1. Bick
    Well, I don't see anything wrong with writing it in your own way. If I remember right, I remember Cogito saying that there is no new plot, and that it's all just basically the same plots used and written in different ways.


    "There are, practically speaking, no new plot ideas. It's not about the plot idea, it's how you write it that makes or breaks your story." Cogito

    :-D So yeah, it sounds like a fun idea... poor woman, though!
  2. pinelopikappa
    You are right, I remember that post by Cogito. I'll do it!
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