friends and my depression

By bubblegirl101 · Jan 15, 2011 · ·
  1. there suppose to be there when you need them most well i only have has been like this for as long as i can remember.what if youre one friend is just not love her but you want more friends.should i not just focus on my career or worry about my social life. plus depression that stems from that what does that achieve? i am i a never ending black hole and i trip and fall each day just like a regualr stoamch feels like it wil fall out of my chest what am i to do?


  1. Pallas
    Well I encourage you to seek counseling if the bouts you feel are as bad as you describe; yet lacking that, perhaps a serious discussion with this one friend you have, and see perhaps she can include you in her social events. Further, if you can, volunteering is a great way to make friends; just find a place or organization that interests you and you already have a some common ground to start a relationship.
  2. bubblegirl101
    that was very helpful. but i will have to volunteer i guess cause some of her friends dont really like me so we do thing separetly but she cant always be with me.i am already doing counseling so that helps too,.i think i would voulteer at the humane society.
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