
By Rei · Mar 21, 2009 · ·
  1. Over the last few months, I have been feeling very lonely, and getting more and more depressed. One of the reasons: nobody seems to want me around. Sure, I get invited to the parties. I've been to four since September. The only time I ever went to more was when I was living in residence at school and half of the parties were in rez. It's the every day stuff I miss. Having dinner with friends, going to shopping, hanging out at a friend's house and watching TV. I got a little of that last year, but it stopped around September. People tell me they're just busy. They have time for all their other friends, just not me.

    One day, when I was in high school, I read a story in my class that impressed everyone. One girl offered to do my makeup for prom. I felt great. Then she talked to some other girls about going for ice cream after school. I suddenly didn't care about the makeup anymore. I wanted to be the person they wanted to come with them for ice cream. That sort of thing probably doesn't seem special to anyone else. Something as simple as lunch is more valuable to me than anyone could ever imagine.

    I once asked a friend if I was ever going to be invited to learn how to play D&D. She made a whole bunch of excuses about how they already have enough people. They'd let me know. The next time someone who wasn't in her D&D group brought it up, she said that person should join them, no hesitation. I didn't want to believe that person was making excuses. Now, I don't know what to think.

    When I was thirteen, a boy pointed out that I come on too strong. Until today, I thought I had fixed that. It was as simple as letting people know I was interested. But everyon knows. The whole world knows. Yet I still get excluded. Today, someone reminded me that I have a strong personality that scares people off. But I shouldn't change it. No of course, don't change who you are, even though it scares people away. Just find people who accept you for you.

    I've tried. I've been trying my whole life to find these people. I don't know if they exist.

    And please, anyone who feels the urge to give me advice, don't. You won't be telling me anything I don't know. I have been doing what everyone has told me my whole life. I still spend nearly every evening by myself.


  1. Josh Atlas
    You should...just kidding. On a surrious note though, I wish I was in Toronto so I could go watch Halladay pitch. Dude is ridiculous.
  2. lazerus reborn
    Belive me your not on your own here, I used to the got-to guy now am not, I never really get invited to parties, ect ect sob story, Then i finally found my place, I have four closeknit friends- ive know for 10 of my 17yr life. and from that i now loads of people, i still never really get invited to parties, so i start my own, invite aload of people around and have a good time,

    The point am getting at, dont just wait for it to happen, make it happen...

    sorry for giving advice, i dont like to see people unhappy...

  3. jonathan hernandez13
    I thought I was the only one having trouble with my social life:rolleyes:

    Anyway, I know you dont want advice, I hate getting that from people too, but it does pain me to see people bummed out.

    You are not alone, and some people do prefer honesty and direct personalities, if you havent found them it doesnt mean that they dont exist.

    Sorry, had to comment...
  4. Wrathor
    Well, I've had the same feeling. :) May they realise that your a good friend who likes to be included. :)
  5. Kacoshi Ajewl
    Hey personally I know the feeling I have a very strong personality to the point were the few friends I have I think just humor me...I think though that changing your personality to just fit in is not something that should be done. I wouldn't change my personality for anyone...and if they exclude me then I'll just go on with my life and no longer be firends with them...of course you should talk it out first. Tell them you feel left out. maybe they didn't know they were doing it.
  6. daturaonfire
    Is this a writer thing or what? Sometimes I think people have magic, and most people wear it outside, for others to see. But writers are different, and somehow all our magic stays on the inside, so people don't see it and they don't understand and we're all weird for it. I've always been lonely, but since I moved from home I've spent two years wondering what the hell is wrong with me, that I can't find any place I feel like I belong. Like I'm a leper, or something. No advice, just wanted to let you know, you're not the only one.
  7. Speedy
    I cant say i've ever been in your position. I'm usually the oe who has fries and just decides i've had enough and move on. Always have and always will.

    Its ashame we live so apart, not that it matters, and i dont care how corny it sounds, but i think your pretty remarkable. I loose interest in people that arnt really that important to me, but i enjo talking to you, your not one of these people i know im not going to have ascripted conversation with, which i find fun and engaging.

    Maybe i've spend to much time online, and the worlds gone crazy, but way to many people these days seem to easy to please (fr whos benefit i dont know) and so safe and predictable wit the way they live that it makes me cringe.

    Its corny, and im sober, so sue me.
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