Goodbye Jason

By K.M.Lynch · Mar 19, 2011 · ·
  1. Hey guys! Just a quick message. This is my eleventh post and thanks to everyone who has been reading my stories. I am really trying to improve my writing so I would be very grateful for some feedback. Please feel free to comment. Also new stories are posted every week either on Friday or Saturday, so check back often. Thanks again for all the support!

    Apart from the constant soft swinging of her foot, she sat perfectly still. It was the type of stillness that comes from excessive pent-up emotions held ruthlessly in check by an iron will. She had never been so angry in her life. In a detached manner she wondered idly why she didn’t feel sad. However, the only thing she felt was unmistakably fury.
    Her boyfriend had cheated on her. No, he hadn’t slept with her best friend or that one girl everyone hates at some point in their life. No, he’d slept with some drunken skirt that he’d met at a bar. It was a common story.
    Most girls would cry or scream, maybe throw a few things at their straying man’s head. They’d make a big scene that ended with them hurling a promise ring into his face and screaming that they were over. Jane though, was a different entity entirely. Forget about getting even; she wanted him to suffer. She wanted him to never forget what he’d lost.
    And so she waited quietly and patiently while sitting in the dark living room of his apartment. She knew that she was being dramatic in the extreme, but she felt that this was a perfect time for drama. He’d be home from work soon. And the best part was that he had no idea what was in store for him. He had no idea that she knew.
    Jane smiled as she heard heavy footsteps on the stairs. He never had mastered the art of lifting his feet. He came lumbering down the hall and stopped to fumble for his keys in front of the door. Jane suppressed her smile and made her face an unreadable mask. Now that the moment was here, she was full of that adrenaline that comes at the beginning of a battle. Hear her roar, indeed.
    Jason walked through the door, tossed his keys onto a small side table and wearily dropped his briefcase onto the floor. He stood, stretching his back and groped for the light switch. A bulb flickered to life and into the sudden light Jane spoke.
    “Hello Jason. How was your day?”
    His head snapped around and starring at her in wide-eyed amazement, Jason froze.
    “Jane! Hi! How did you get in here? Why were you sitting in the dark?”
    “Oh, I just wanted to surprise you, that’s all. I thought I’d just pop in to see you. Did you miss me this weekend? Or were you simply to too busy to think of me?”
    “No! No. I was… it was a fairly laid back couple of days. You know, just hanging out here. Nothing too exciting. How about you? Did you and the girls have a good time up at Marnie’s cottage?”
    Gaining a bit of confidence now, Jason advanced further into the room. He didn’t get within ten feet of her though, choosing to sit in a chair on the other side of the coffee table from her. Maybe he’s not as stupid after all, thought Jane. Perhaps like the cowardly little snake he was he sensed danger and wisely kept his distance.
    “My weekend was fine thank you. So you didn’t do anything at all? No wild parties, no trips to the bar?”
    “Ha, why… why would you think that?”
    “Oh, no reason. It was simply something Kim said today. It just made me wonder.”
    “Oh? Um, Kim who?”
    “You know, Trevor’s girlfriend? She and I work together and she mentioned something about a crazy boys’ night out. It didn’t sound like she was too impressed with Trevor’s drunken texts. I just thought what with you and Trevor being so close and all, well. I guess I was wrong.”
    “Oh! You mean Friday night! Right, I had forgotten. Yeah, we, I mean the guys and I, all went out to the bar. I skipped out a bit early though. I ah… wasn’t in the partying mood. I had heard that it got a little out of hand after I left, but yeah.”
    Looking distinctly nervous, Jason had been fidgeting in his chair. Now at Jane’s small nod of understanding he visibly began to relax. The tenseness went out of his shoulders and he slumped in his habitual manner.
    “So, what you’re telling me is that you didn’t hook up with some drunken nineteen year old and spend the weekend in her bed? Is that it?”
    Jane remained seated and silently she forced herself to remain calm. She looked at Jason with a mildly curious expression on her face. She knew the answer. Even if she hadn’t known, his guilt was written all over his face. She waited; sitting with her back held straight, her head up and her hands lightly folded in her lap, she attempted to project the image of a woman without a care in the world.
    “Ahh, ahh, what? What are you talking about? I… I never, I mean I wouldn’t… ever do something like that. How… how could you think, even for a second that I, I would… would cheat?”
    Throughout his stuttering reply, Jason’s voice continued to rise until it finally cracked on the word cheat. His eyes didn’t meet hers and his gaze darted all over the room. His left foot twitched and his fingers drummed on the armrest of his chair.
    “Did you honestly believe that I wouldn’t find out? Are you really that naïve? We have been together for over a year and a half and you think that I can’t tell when you’re lying to me?”
    Looking stricken, Jason opened and closed his mouth like a gasping trout.
    “I want you to listen to me and I want you to listen carefully. I am not some gullible little girl, Jason. I have confidence in myself and I know my worth. I deserve to be treated properly and with respect. I will not tie myself to some selfish boy who is as pathetic as you. What was it about her that made you throw away our relationship? Did she fawn all over you? Did she tell you how incredible she thought you were? Or maybe, she simply gave you the time of day? You are so very needy, Jason. You need to have everyone’s full attention or else you pout. You need to feel adored or else you turn petty. I am not your mother. I will not solve all of your problems and put you up on a pedestal to worship you.”
    Slowly, Jane rose from her seat. Jason was all but cowering in his little corner by this point. And now, thought Jane, now for the final embarrassment.
    “In case you are confused, I will state this as bluntly as possible. You are a child, a feeble immature little boy. I am a woman and I am looking for a man. This relationship is now ended. You are free to date eager young girls and I, I am free to find a man who is actually worthy of me.”
    And with that, Jane walked past the pitiful idiot that was once her boyfriend and opened the door. Without turning and without stopping she said,
    “Goodbye Jason.”
    The door closed quietly behind her.


  1. Bay K.
    Well written, but a little cliche-ish and non suspense evoking. Perhaps, more elusiveness in the plot will make the piece more tantalizing. But, the language was clear and crisp. Try shocking your audience with a twist in tale next time.
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