Head Space

By Corbyn · Jan 6, 2016 · ·
  1. It's been a while, and oh how I have missed you all. *ahem* That being said, on to the blog.

    I find that in order to be consistently creative, I need a certain kind of head space. My head has to be in it, not just my heart. Lately, that's been easier said than done. I've not been able to push myself to find that right frame of mind to keep my creativity thriving.

    As is often the case when I find myself that way, I get a little down in the dumps. All the old doubts creep in and start screaming at me again. You know the ones. They often say things like, "You can't do this, who the hell do you think you are?" Or other more colorful uses of the English language.

    It's hard to keep those thoughts or feelings at bay. It's harder still to keep my head in the right frame of mind with real life butting in. There seems to be a common theme of my recent blog posts here. Real life interfering with creative life. For me the two just don't mesh well together right now. But I'm bound and determined to change that.

    Anyway, enough for now, but I will ask, How do you foster your head space, muse, what ever you call it?


  1. GuardianWynn
    I think everyone feels what your feeling. So I wouldn't be too put down by it.

    How do I stay in my head? Well in my case it is like total emergence. I am so deep in my head it may be impossible to pull out. lol Even then I get moments where I just can't do it.

    Somestimes I ride them like a much needed break, but I don't think that is what you are asking about.

    When I want to write, but find the muse is just not with me. I often realize it wasn't that the muse wasn't with me, but rather I was logically pulling her the wrong way.

    I have tons of characters. And logically I will think something like this. "I have been working on Kerrin's book all week. I want to finish her chapter 15. I will work on that tonight." And I will stare at a blank screen. As hard as I try I just can't get into her head. Sometimes I listen to music that reminds me of her to get me in the mood. But if that doesn't work and I really want to write?

    I ask myself what I want write about. Sometimes the answer will be obscure, like. "Jennifer! or Drake or Work." But I will notice myself being pulled in that direction. So I will write about that.

    If you are worried such a method prevent you from finishing books. I doubt it. Many writers work on more than one project at a time. And in addition, if a longer story is really calling you. I think the muse will pull you to it before too much time passes. Sometimes trying to force the muse only makes her dig her feet in the ground and stumblingly take longer! Giving in and changing paces tonight and letting the bigger story come back up a few days or few weeks later in my expierence is sometimes the better choice than trying to drag the muse.

    Then again. That is just me. I hope it helps. :)
      Corbyn likes this.
  2. Corbyn
    It's not so much my muse, but me that gets in my own way I think. I can't get in the right frame of mind to sit down and write. I think it's mostly due to real life stress. But this afternoon I have some time, and will try to break back into the "write" frame of mind. Hehehe
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