Hit Somebody

By Iain Aschendale · Jan 22, 2018 · ·
  1. So I wanna fucking hit somebody get hit get beatdown lose a fight to someone who is in the wrong and I don't even know why.


    Oh, yeah, shit, I was on the clock for three and a half hours today.

    Extenuating circumstances of twelve hours out of the house don't count, nor do fucking lazy ass shithead boo fucking hoo the hours I spend between jobs or on public transport I just want to hit somebody get hit shit in a hole in the dirt club my dinner alpha's dinner to death before I get it stolen sleep outside the warmth of the fire watch the engines flame out toss a hand grenade into cargo class from the fucking cargo bay we were born to be slaves, we have always been slaves we deserve to be slaves my bucket list what keeps me alive is the watching the release of nuclear weapons on a civilian population on the BBC or even better from the rooftop bedtime good night fuckit.
    Rani99 likes this.


  1. Wreybies
    Serious words, no snark or irony:

    Do you ever experience what a psychiatrist would likely refer to as suicidal ideation, just for a moment, like the images above, and experience a moment of endorphic relief? I do. Not something I typically admit to people because even though I'm damned sure everyone experiences this at one time or another, it's the kind of thing we're conditioned to lie about (even to ourselves), upon pain of remittance to a padded cell. Anyway, it happens. Maybe it's less about wanting to actually die and more what you describe, wanting to live with one's balls on the line, literally. The prospect of death not necessarily the sought-after goal, but it's presence at least indicating that we did it right, fully, completely, not this bland gruel that fills so many days.
      Foxxx, Rani99 and Iain Aschendale like this.
  2. Lifeline
    Yeah, I get what you're talking about. I just go for one of my seminars or write it out. Embracing the monster and laughing in its face. Because living is wonderful.
      Rani99 likes this.
  3. GrahamLewis
    Feeling better today? There is a big world out there and it's not all bad.
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