How To Use The Punctuation Marks

By TheNineMagi · Aug 22, 2017 · ·
  1. There are fourteen punctuation marks used regularly in the English language. Punctuation marks are visual cues in our language that do a number of important things in writing:

    • clarify text by breaking up sentences and paragraphs in a digestible manner;
    • give rhythm and variety to text to make it more enjoyable to read;
    • assist in combining complex thoughts that make logical links; and
    • assist the reader in understanding tone, humor, irony, and emphasis.
    Learn the rules of the fourteen punctuation marks–and then integrate all fourteen into your writing regularly–and you’ll see worlds of improvements and possibilities in your writing and communication.

    Apostrophes Brackets Colons Commas Ellipses Em Dashes En Dashes Exclamation Marks Hyphens Parentheses Periods Question Marks Quotation Marks Semicolons


  1. surrealscenes
    Thank you. This reminds me that I recently bought 'Between You & Me' by Mary Norris, The Comma Queen, and need to get to reading it.
      TheNineMagi likes this.
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