I have an itch...

By Graceling · May 18, 2011 · ·
  1. I have an itch...and itch I can't scratch. One of those itchs that takes another person to help fix it completely. Like a roleplay partner. I miss my old ones. They we're really cool people. I need to bounce ideas off someone badly. That is how crazy this day has been. Saddly no one here is really into that stuff from what I've seen. Makes me a little sad but not to fear, I guess. -yawn- I like how my blog posts are so short. :D


  1. Chudz
    I'm old, so the only thing that "roleplaying" conjures up is Dungeons & Dragons from middle-school onward for a couple of years. There was good pizza, sweets that the DM's mother made from scratch, and plenty of caffeine to keep the fun going.

    Anyway, I just wanted to thank you for reminding me of those times.

    Best wishes.
  2. sona harrison
    Hey Gracling

    The stars on your bandana are like ideas bursting from your head. I'd like to help you catch those stars and make them sparkle.

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