I went camping

By O.M. Hillside · Jun 3, 2020 · ·
  1. In the midst of all the bs happening over the last couple days, let alone the pandemic, I went camping with some friends. I only stayed one night because this was my first time camping and I just didn't want to stay another night. And yet, I really enjoyed my time.

    Completely unplugged, staring at rocks for hours, hiking, freeform rock climbing on giant rocks. Drinks, games, etc. It was really hard and boring, but somehow was a really refreshing experience. It's nice to feel that distance between civilization. Like, just being far enough away from all the amenities I take for granted and all the noise associated with my usual environment makes me feel at ease in a way. Like, I don't really need all this crap. I can survive without comfort. I could sacrifice all the luxuries and comforts of my house if I needed to. I feel less tied down to those things. A lot more free.

    There was no running water, so I had to make due with whatever supply I had and be conservative with that supply in whatever I was doing if it wasn't drinking. The heat when we first arrived at the camp area was unbearable. Setting up a tarp was helpful but it was still really hot. Hiking was nice. There were lizards, cacti, rabbits, yucca plants, and we saw a snake guarding a coyote pumpkin. When we got a little close (just in walking by) it warned us to stay away with a loud hiss. It was a big snake too. It wasn't going to leave that melon.

    Along the hike, we found a better campsite, one shaded by an overhang of rock. So, even though we had all set up our tents at another area, we decided it would be better to relocate there. So we did. It was much better from there. In a couple of hours, the sun had gone down a little bit and the breeze set in and we were chilling at the campsite coming up with games or just staring at the view from campsite -- which was a really nice one. I had a great time.

    But ultimately, I'm not going to abandon everything and live out in the woods. Not this time, at least. It was just nice to get away from everything for a little while. Then I came back, apparently the riots are really bad and there was a curfew for the last two nights in my county. I guess massive crowds of people walking shoulder to shoulder like that is pretty bad, right? That virus should start spreading like wildfire, now! But I doubt I'll hear about a sudden uptick in corona virus infections among the protesters, because this virus isn't really that big of a deal. Anyway, that's where I'm at. I had a good couple days and one night of peace and now I'm right back in the shit. But, at least I felt like I was able to relax a little bit and put things into perspective.

    Next time though, I want to go camping by a lake.


  1. GrahamLewis
    I really like the last line.
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