if you want to make an apple pie from scratch, you must first invent the universe.

By jackwild · Oct 18, 2011 · ·
  1. I am drowning myself in Symphony of Science, partly to block out the sounds from outside this room, partly because it makes me feel better. I've listened to this play list three times now, but every time a song ends, the drunk, competing voices from the party in the next room enter, so I keep starting them up again.
    Once upon a time I was quite good at writing. Art school has taken away my creativity; sucked it up and left me just going through the motions, trying to finish this degree. Art school has also taken away my vocabulary, and replaced it with less eloquent expression. I'm afraid someone will find out I'm not very clever; that I am not a very good artist.

    I'm always afraid that someone is peering over my shoulder, watching every word I put down and every mistake I make. I don't write anymore. I can barely drag myself up out of my stomach long enough to take my photographs, I'm less impressed by the alchemy of processing than I was...I am less interested in the perfect composition...

    I want to make something beautiful.


  1. TheWritingWriter
    First of all, I love your title. Definitely caught my eye. Also, I was starving at the time, so that worked in your favor!

    Now, how can I put this. Whether or not you like your own work shows if you have good taste. If you paint a portrait and it actually contains no skill at all, yet you can't find anything to revise, then that means you have no good taste. When you can look at something you have created and realized that it's not good enough for you, you have good taste. Just because you're not skilled enough to reach your ideal quality doesn't mean you have no good taste; it means you need practice. That's why you can spot good photography, well written novels, and breath taking art; you just can't make it yet. Your objectivity allows you to progress and become a better artist. Your finding flaws in your work is a good thing, because it means you have good taste. If you have good taste, I believe that you can acquire good skill. Everything takes practice.
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