Infinite Sky Wherever You Lie

By Infinitytruth · Apr 7, 2011 ·
  1. I wrote this poem after a beautiful afternoon of being out in nature. I got the idea after doing some crazy cloud watching in an open field and, it was a really awesome day. Best I've had in a while. It felt like a very full, satisfying day. I see why people love nature now. Keep in mind this isn't the only thing I did. I was out there for 5 hours, so I had a lot of time and did a lot of different stuff. I may blog about other parts of it later.

    Infinite Sky Wherever You Lie

    Out in an open field.
    Sky as far as the eye can see, or can even imagine.
    Sky as high as the eye cares to examine.

    Infinite Sky Wherever You Lie!

    A few clouds here and there.
    Ahhh clouds.
    The paintings of the sky gods.
    What a gift from the heavenly realms.

    Infinite Sky Wherever You Lie!

    I was staring up at someone that looked a lot like the bearded prospector from toy story.
    Possibly a dwarf.
    His smile started out very small and tame.
    Then his beard began to change shape with his smile.
    It grew wider and wider.
    His cheeks and beard puffing out.
    A jovial look that became
    happier and happier.
    Until I was laughing hysterically on the grasses that I lay.
    I assumed he was probably doing the same from the look on his face.
    Luckily no one around for miles.
    And as quickly as it took form the cloud changed into something else.

    Infinite Sky Wherever You Lie!

    I seen monkies, snakes, crocodiles and demons in the clouds I watched that day.

    Infinite Sky Wherever You Lie!

    The sky seemed to flicker, as I watched the blue parts, which I found very odd.

    Infinite Sky Wherever You Lie!

    I never knew how high birds flew, until I seen V-shaped dots of geese, way high above me.

    Infinite Sky Wherever You Lie!

    I saw the sun lowered in the sky. And for the first time in my life, I watched the sunset, as my day came to a closing end.

    Infinite Sky Wherever You Lie!

    Wherever you roam,
    and wherever you lie.
    Somewhere above you
    there is infinite sky!


    Truth out!


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