Ingenuity, or perhaps disingenuity?

By animagus_kitty · Aug 5, 2019 · ·
  1. Ah, the wonders of fantasy. Terry Brooks, Tolkien, the guy who wrote the Belgariad.
    The awe-inspiring heights of science fiction. Asimov, Dune, Ender's Game.

    And then there's me, sitting over here clutching my pearls anytime someone brings up the greats. "Oh, I, uh, haven't actually read them, because I don't read anything in the genre I'm writing." I'm so great at logic.

    I'm not one to consider myself a victim of imposter syndrome; I know who and what I am, to a greater inch than anyone else knows me, as is proper. Still, I wonder if by writing a sci-fi/fantasy novel, there's some expectation that I've consumed the greatest authors in my genre/s. I've read, like, one whole Terry Brooks novel. I got ten minutes into the Dune audiobook and wondered why anyone bothered. I read the first three pages of A Game of Thrones. I got a book and a half into Lord of the Rings before realizing that the only passage in all of that I was ever going to remember was the part about Tom Bombadil, who could easily have just took a running leap at Mordor and flipped over the mountains, cannon-balling into the fires of Mount Doom like it was the local swimming hole if only he felt like it. Spoiler alert: he could not for one whole second be arsed. [shrugs in Gandalf]

    Now, that's not to say I've never consumed anything sci-fi; like all normal people, I've seen every episode of Star Trek at one point or another, as well as every movie of Star Wars and a couple kids' novels. I've read, like, two books by a paranormal romance author set in a sci-fi setting. Likewise, I was deeply passionate about Tamora Pierce's novels, and they factor heavily into the inspiration of my setting.

    But the greats? The ones people have been raving about for generations? I just don't get the appeal. I know there's nothing inherently wrong with not enjoying any particular book for the same reasons other people think it's great, but it feels honestly a little disingenuous of me to say that I'm trying to be part of any given genre when I have a rather serious distaste for everyone who came before me.

    In my dreams, I'm on a Women of Sci Fi panel someday and people are asking me about my inspirations. It's at this point that it stops being a dream and becomes a nightmare, because I have to admit to only having Star Trek and Star Wars as inspirations because I thought every other sci fi book I read was boring. Shortly thereafter, I lose all of my fans for being a joke of an author who doesn't read what I pretend to write.

    Pic related.
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  1. Matt E
    Star Trek is a pretty good foundation. Have you seen all of the Original Series (Shatner), TNG (Patrick Stewart), or all of the above and more? In any case, it's good stuff and I'd say more necessary than a lot of the other scifi classics.

    Terry Brooks is cool, but I wouldn't put him in league with Tolkien.

    I think I've read LOTR through before, but the Peter Jackson films will get you the essentials, especially in extended editions. I recommend watching through those at some point if you haven't already. Bombadil stuff is cut out (which I think is an improvement TBH).

    Obligatory: the one ring is a cursed magical artifact that would generally turn gandalf, eagles, bombadil, men, elves etc evil very quickly. Hobbits are meek enough to have partial immunity when carrying it, which is why no one else can make the journey.

    Azimov's Foundation series is classic but a bit dated. It might be worth trying the first one to see what he did. It's a very unique work. Dune is also a classic, but a rather thick tome I agree. I haven't read all of it. The movie is good though, in a Flash Gordon kind of way.

    Ender's Game and GoT are pretty good. More on the popular side than classics I'd say.

    Maybe try some Heinlein and Arthur C. Clarke if you haven't already. They're more approachable than both Herbert and Azimov and don't come off as too dated. They're definitely classics too. More so than Brooks or Card, really.
  2. animagus_kitty
    I'm not bragging or being hyperbolic when I say by the time I was in kindergarten, I'd forgotten more than most people would ever know about Star Trek. I've seen 95% of Enterprise, but I didn't watch Discovery; other than that, I have actually seen all of TOS and TNG, as well as DS9 and Voyager.

    I figure I'll get around to Heinlein and Clarke one day, probably. Thanks :)
      Matt E likes this.
  3. Matt E
    If anyone ever asks you what works inspired you, then just say Star Trek, haha. There isn't much that tops that show in sci-fi street cred.
  4. animagus_kitty
    Funny, because while it's perfectly acceptable for real life inspiration, I've heard it spoken poorly of as far as 'real sci-fi' goes. Good to know that it's socially acceptable to be inspired in writing by it, though, that makes things much easier for me.
  5. v_k
    Writers and fans from both "hard" and "soft" sci-fi camps are inspired by science of real life world. I am sci-fi fan and will trust and love author only if she trusts and love our shared Gods: Einstein, Hawkin, Darwin etc.
    I don't care if she never read or watched any prior fiction.
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