Insanely Long Pointless Drabble

By dushechka · Sep 25, 2007 · ·
  1. It's funny; I never expected any comments. It's a nice surprise though. =)

    On to random things!

    It's strange, when I actually have something to say I never say it, and when my mind is empty, I write. I can't write when there's too much going on. But that's like life I guess; I can't function when everything is chaotic. I can't even breathe when it's like that.

    Speaking of such things (chaotic, that is), I've realized more and more how different and anti-social I am. It's kind of funny, I guess, but at the same time it's incredibly frustrating because it feels like I'm disappointing other people. They expect me to be a normal 17 year old, and the fact that I could be different, just doesn't cross their minds. The fact that I enjoy the occasional "stay in and sleep Friday nights" is insane to them. They do their parties, and their clubs, and I don't mind that, I just don't want to be dragged along knowing I won't enjoy any single moment of it.

    The simple fact is, I personally believe I'm prone to having "Asperger" personality traits. Whether I'm a complete Aspie, I honestly have no bloody idea. I do know though, what I can and cannot handle.

    I've never understood pointless conversation. Well, I shouldn't say "pointless" it's more of "why are you talking when you're really not saying anything important?" My mom complains I don't speak enough, that I'm too quiet. What she doesn't understand is, I'm a quiet person and I don't like to talk. Actually, I hate it quite often. So instead, I write or listen. I'm content in that. I'm incredibly happy when nothing is expected of me. But that's where issues arise; to them, it isn't normal. To them, I should be an outgoing happy go lucky witty teenager. Well, sorry mom and dad, that isn't happening. And it won't. Ever.

    I've also realized I have a really odd sensitivity to certain sounds. Chewing, humming, "sucking", whatever. If it's in a certain octave, or has annoying "qualities" it urks me and I lose my mind. I love my iPod in times such as those. (Especially at work.. REALLY annoying co-workers!)

    Yes, well, that was interesting and I'm sure you all wanted to know that.. Lol.

    Next month will be my year anniversary of leaving a certain "Christian" forum for certain reasons. Parenthesis because, honestly, I don't understand why or how they can call themselves Christian. But, sadly, I think that with most things. Makes you wonder how I can even call myself that, considering I haven't been to church in ten years. Woopy. But it isn't about church, and it never should be. yeah, didn't mean to throw that little religious topic in there like that..

    In other news; tonight I'm teaching piano (woo) for half an hour at the music school, and afterwards I have band practice (I play clarinet) at the community band until 9:30. Tomorrow morning I should be at work for 7:00, which means I wake up at 6:00, and after that I have my own personal piano lessons at 3:45, and I'll probably teach until 5:30.. Karen and Stephanie (friends from work) want to go to a Halloween store to pick out some costumes, which is about an hour drive from the school, (they're supposedly coming to pick me up..) Hopefully we won't be a long time, as my social skills aren't that slick. Lol.

    Thursday I'm taking a bus ride with mom in order to figure out the bus routes for Wednesdays, as I don't currently have a ride (other than tomorrow). I hate buses.. I hate confusing they are, and I especially hate how expensive it is. $2.25 a ticket (but yay for transfers!)

    Speaking of money, it's interesting how the Canadian dollar is now on par with the American one. I wonder what that will do to our economy (Canadian one, that is). I'd like our currency to move over to gold, instead of paper money.. but no one listens to me.

    This blog probably consists of horrible grammar and pointless drabble, but it's been fun.

    Woo. Oh, and my 18th birthday is in possibly less than 10 weeks away. How creepy is that.



  1. Eoz Eanj
    I knew a child who was an aspergie, he was completely insane.


    I think you'll find there are many people in the world as quiet, realistic and sporadically absent minded (sp?) as you are

    You just haven't met them yet.
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