It's the little things

By GrahamLewis · Jan 31, 2019 · ·
  1. Found this nugget in the Tao te Ching, which strikes me as an important guidepost on the road to good writing:

    From Chapter SIXTY-THREE

    "See simplicity in the complicated.
    Achieve greatness in little things."

    Isn’t that an important part of clearly telling a story or communicating an idea? So many times I see writing, especially by beginners, in which the author seems to rush to get the big picture out there, without paying attention to the details that make up the picture; It seems to me that they forget that without details, the reader won’t see what the writer sees. I’d suggest that seeing the simplicity makes the details clear, and describing the details makes average writing much better, and is likely a big part of what makes otherwise good writing great.

    Somewhere in Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance, Robert Pirsig described a student in one of his creative writing classes who was stuck on a writing assignment. Pirsig had her try to describe her hometown, but not much good came of that. He told her to picture and describe the house she grew up in. Still stuck. Finally he had her focus on one brick in one wall of that house and expand outward. That worked.

    Or maybe this guy put it best,

    Auguries of Innocence

    To see a World in a Grain of Sand

    And a Heaven in a Wild Flower

    Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand

    And Eternity in an hour
    Cave Troll, J.D. Ray and Malisky like this.


  1. Solar
    Auguries of Innocence is one of my favourite poems. Blake had a very unique vision.
  2. paperbackwriter
    A good writing piece Graham but I would have liked to see more detail.
  3. paperbackwriter
    If someone asked me to describe a home i grew up in i would have trouble remembering for a start.
    But even I had the house in front of me i would struggle to detail all the building materials. A professional builder would describe a house with ease but would they capture its essence? Why a person has an emotional attachment to it.
  4. GrahamLewis
    But you could describe those things for which you have an emotional attachment; that's the point. Describe what matters to you, what stands out to you, not as a builder (unless you build houses).
  5. paperbackwriter
    I notice Graham you take pains to mention all the details when you describe your handyman pursuits. Do all those materials matter to you?
  6. GrahamLewis
    They matter to the story I'm telling or scene I'm describing. That's the point.
  7. paperbackwriter
    Well I better avoid describing houses because very little of the actual building matters to me.
  8. Solar
    A Robin Redbreast in a Cage . . .
  9. GrahamLewis
    I guess, Paper, I left out a key detail of the brick story -- the assignment was to write something about childhood memories.
  10. Solar
    God Appears & God is Light
    To those poor Souls who dwell in Night
    But does a Human Form Display
    To those who Dwell in Realms of day
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