Journey Through the Broken Path: Chapter One

By Redsrock · Nov 8, 2008 · ·
  1. I just posted the first chapter of my new story, Journey Through the Broken Path. It'd be nice if you took a look at it and gave some feedback. :) I'd be willing to pay you $10 in Monopoly money.


  1. Redsrock
    Chapter two is up, and here is a little snippet:

    “What the hell is this garbage?” Bobby asked as he started his car’s engine.

    “It’s DEFA. I’m not surprised you don’t like them,” Karl said matter-of-factly.

    “DEFA? What does that stand for?”

    Smiling, Karl said, “Dead Eyes Feel Alive.”

    Bobby rolled his eyes and then turned the volume off. “You know I don’t like that screaming crap.”

    “Their ways with instruments are absolutely fantastic though. I sure wish you’d get past the screaming and listen to the instruments. You sure are one-minded when it comes to music. Besides, screaming isn’t all that bad anyway.”

    “Either way it doesn’t matter, because you know I don’t like listening to music before games. I have to focus.”

    “Whatever.” Karl leaned back in his seat and shut his eyes while Bobby started down the street. “Will you be pitching today?”

    “Not sure. I was the starter last Wednesday, so if I do pitch it’ll probably be in relief, maybe closing the game out or something like that. I expect to play third, because that’s where I always play when I’m not pitching.”
  2. Rawr_Writer
    hmmm... i have written poetry...but it short...wanna read it?? ok.. well here it is...
    by the way, it's got alot of emotional meaning behind it...

    You can’t help those,
    Little things, they are so delicate,
    Like a bottle in the sea...

    Those words are meant,
    To be heard, like a scream,
    In the midst of the air…

    hope ya'll like it...=]
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