Losing Passion

By live2write · Nov 17, 2013 · ·
  1. I am forever trapped in writers block. At least I feel that way. I love writing. It is one of the very few mediums, aside from Photography, where I am able to express my thoughts and feelings. However, I have come to realize that I cannot write anymore. I am losing passion in writing.

    I used to be the type of writer that wrote for the pleasure of writing. I did not care what was written in my collection of composition notebooks, nor did I care about the technical aspects of the writing. I wrote because it was an escape from reality.

    Now I am being told that I cannot write. I have the reading and writing equivalent of a sixth grader. Everything I write is childish and not serious. I am not writing like an adult. I cannot read a 200 page book in 2 hours. Anything that I do read, I have a hard time grasping on to the information. I am an idiot.

    I do admit that I am not a great writer, nor an excellent reader. I do have comprehension problems where I end up reading the same paragraph a few times to understand. I also do have trouble with expressing myself in words. I never learned how. And every excuse that I would give ends up being fucking bullshit.

    “Amber, you never learned how to read or write because you did not want to learn!”

    “It took you 3 months to read that book!!! I did it in 1 week!!!”

    “What don’t you understand about the book?!” **my answer** “Seriously Amber!?”

    “You write like a child!!! You need to go back to middle school and learn your nouns!”

    “I do not understand what you are writing about!”

    “Go back to High School and get your GED!”

    It is not fun anymore. I do not care if I publish a book or not. I now have to write to prove that I can write something decent. No matter what, I will always be treated like an idiot. I am an idiot by the way.


  1. Okon
    Hey, stop putting yourself down.

    I'm an idiot. It also takes one to know one. So, in my expert opinion, you are NOT an idiot.

    It does get easier. Even if you just stick to writing how you like to, your abilities will secretly evolve before you know it:). It might not hurt to tackle specific things you want to change, but it's all up to you.

    Just keep writing!
  2. jannert
    Well, I, for one, have read several of the items you posted, and they have stuck with me. The wonderful story about the girl whose city is attacked, and who has to take drugs to keep herself awake because she's afraid of sleeping because of the weird and possibly 'real' dreams she has ...and the wee autistic boy who has an alien appear in his bedroom.

    Even though these are just snippets, they stick with me. You must be doing something right. I have always been struck by how cliche-free your writing is.

    Sure there are issues with grammar and other things, but they can be fixed. Quite easily fixed, actually, once you have a finished piece to work with.

    I'd suggest you forget about what others say or have said to you—things that undermine your self-confidence and pick at your weak points—stick with one piece and get it finished, if you haven't done so already. Nothing wrong with writing a daily diary, which is what your writing will be if you don't shape a story, finish it and put it out there for others to read, but it would be a shame to hide your talent.

    Maybe other people find working with words easier than you do, but a lot of them don't have your original visions. I think they're well worth completion.
  3. DeathandGrim

    Stumbled onto this on Google+ OF ALL THINGS
      Okon likes this.
  4. DeathandGrim
    Anyway don't put yourself down. Ya got alot to write about there. Do like I did and just write in a blind fury a story that describes how you feel

    Boy did that feel good to vent... But then with the comments I realized that I'm absolutely no good at writing if I'm all down on myself.

    @mammamaia's scathing comment was also a big help... thanks

    And then you start to realize others will look on you as you look upon yourself. So you keep this pattern of looking down on your own person and guess what everyone is going to do. You might want to find another direction to look in.
  5. Laze
    Haters gunna hate. :rolleyes:

    The thing about us creative types is we take everything to heart. I used to do it, but you've just got to accept the fact that not everyone is going to like your shit, and that they're are some who take satisfaction in ridiculing people for trying. If you truly want to succeed in writing then you need to learn to believe in yourself. If you don't believe in yourself and allow your doubts and fears to rule you you'll accomplish nothing—being in the right frame of mind is essential.
  6. live2write
    Thank you for your responses. This post would be classified as more of a rant of getting my feelings off of my chest. I do have people around me that want to see me succeed in writing, and then I have people close to me who tell me I have to do it their way.

    I do have a job that supports my lifestyle. I do not want to write just because it can be another paycheck. I want to express my ideas that play in my head 24/7. I can tell you how many nights I would stare at the ceiling and allow my imagination to launch in full speed and stay like that for hours before realizing I am asleep. When telling those thoughts and feelings to somebody, it is a struggle. Part of it is because I cannot find the words and the other is nobody wants to hear it. Unless it is printed on paper and on the shelves, most of the time people consider it BS.

    I am going to jump back on the writing wagon.
  7. DeathandGrim
    That's what we like to hear, godspeed
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