Low-grade anxiety

By Wreybies · Jan 31, 2017 · ·
  1. First and foremost, this is new for me. I'm not that person. I usually keep my mouth shut when people talk about their trials and tribulations with depression, anxiety, etc. because there's an admittedly ungenerous part of me that is whispering "Man the fuck up and quit your fucking griping". There's a part of my brain that feels people have gotten too invested in shopping around for that one doctor who will diagnose away all their responsibility and accountability with a neat little phrase from the DSM-V and a bottle of Pfizer's latest panacea. It's not a pretty admission, but it's a truth about me. I have a cousin who's got a slip of paper for any occasion you can think of. She sold her adulthood for a life of bottom-rung leisure. It's all provided for her. She doesn't have to do shit. I've got my own baggage, like anyone, and it's the kind of baggage that easily qualifies in most peoples' mind as "Oh, poor thing. Cut him some slack. Just imagine having to deal with that." But I don't let that be who I am.

    But this past week of uncertainty and confusion. Seeing the political red cape being being waved in front of the zeitgeistian snout, knowing that it's a ruse, a feint, misdirection; looking to see whence truly comes the sword.

    Everyone says, "Just wait. Give him a chance."

    Easy enough to say when you have no stakes in what's happening. I'm gay. I'm Latino. This isn't academic. This is very likely going to affect me directly. And not just in an "Oh, I don't agree with that" sort of way, but in an "Here are the new restrictions that directly affect the way you live your day to day life" sort of way.

    You know the feeling if you've ever had it. Just below your sternum, at the top of your belly, three inches into the middle of your torso. That knot of worms that won't let you sleep. That.

    I once had a close brush with the law when I was young, and not in a small way. I lucked out and came away from that event without it hurting me and a whole lot wiser about who I let into my close circle. But before I knew that I was going to be okay, when it was still very much up in the air, it's the only other time in my life that I felt this way, ever.


  1. Simpson17866
    I wish I had something to say right now :(
  2. big soft moose
    Anxiety as a condition is where you have a nameless dread and don't know why - being anxious that your country has elected a fascist lunatic who discriminates against people like you is very different.

    However you can rest assured that many of us will not be reenacting 'first they came for... but I said nothing because I'm not a..." this time round.

    I wish I had something more concrete to offer, but suffice to say that 'Rupert' won't stand idly by while 'Jose' gets sent to the camps
  3. jannert
    This feeling is pretty universal at the moment. The wish to reboot the past year is overwhelming. So much stems from so little, it appears. The moose is right, though. This isn't nameless dread. This dread has a name. I've resorted to taking Kalms tablets in the middle of the night, on occasion. Not like me either.
  4. KaTrian
    I feel this too, and I'm not even as directly affected by the political climate and the current power structure in the US as you are. I keep hoping the American people will get the government they want and I want to believe surely most of you don't want what Trump and the zealots working for and alongside him offer. Four years of Trump will mean four years of regression. What he's doing is against the very Western values many other countries strive to uphold, places like Canada, Scandinavian countries, Germany, and so on, but I think he's also working against the foundation of the US, the constitution, and the Bill of Rights. People have to rise up and oppose the direction into which he's leading his country.
  5. big soft moose
    Indeed we have an ironic situation where the Us and Uk are sliding into fascism while germany is a bastion of democracy - talk about role reversal.

    Mind you in your Ktrians position my main concern would be putin's expansionist ambitions and that president chump probably wouldnt lift a finger to stop him if he decided to annexe finland
      KaTrian likes this.
  6. KaTrian
    @big soft moose Yeah, that's a concern to our government (and people) as well. We fought them off (and even invaded ourselves with less than stellar results, but hey, how many countries can claim they tried to invade the USSR?) back in the day, but warfare has changed. Even though we're more militarized than other Nordic countries, we wouldn't stand a chance. We'd need big countries like the US, as well as the UN to come to our aid, but if the USA starts to practice isolationist foreign policy, I dunno, we'd be fucked.
  7. big soft moose
    Yeah and I doubt the UK would go to your aid either... although i know we've planned for it in the past I can't see our current goverment honouring our Nato commitments
  8. big soft moose
    Looking on the brightside (a terrible habit I know) this has added two more ideas to my possible stories list a) refighting the winter war with modern weaponry, and b) British bloke goes to distopian America to rescue his gay friend from a 'treatment' camp (like Wrey's road trip concept "Rupert and Jose have it large", but with much more violence )

    I actually started pantsing the first scene of the 2nd one earlier :supergrin:
      IHaveNoName, KaTrian and Simpson17866 like this.
  9. Simpson17866
    I would read that :)
  10. KaTrian
    @big soft moose I'd imagine warfare in winter is still a bitch, especially since modern technology is sometimes, well, a little susceptible to cold. :D Then again, a few airstrikes and I'm afraid that'd be it...

    Speaking of "treatment camps", there's this documentary on Netflix called Jesus Camp, and apparently there was some treatment camp (maybe still is?) in the Caribbean where parents send their gay kids to be "cured". Or any kid, basically, who didn't agree with their ultra religious views. Scary shit.
      Simpson17866 likes this.
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