My characters are becoming my children! :O

By TerraIncognita · Jul 18, 2010 · ·
  1. Sad as it is it's completely true. I talk about my characters the way a proud parent would talk about their child. Maybe it's because I can't have kids... Who knows? All I know is it's kinda sad and almost feels pathetic in some strange way.

    I am still enormously proud of them though. :rolleyes: Anyone else do this?


  1. Link the Writer
    I do this a lot. :)

    I remember one character I babied so badly, I pretty much turned him into me. XD Of course, it turned out he was a Gary-Stu, so maybe that's the literary version of a spoiled character. I'm slowly learning to not baby my characters so much now.
  2. LadyLazarus
    I do to an extent, but I'm an abusive parent. ;)
  3. Jane Beryl
    I have to be very careful, but I consider them all as friends more than children.
  4. Unit7
    I know exactly what you mean. I have a handful of characters that I think of almost as my children.(which lets me have a bit of fun with people when the topic comes up...)

    I sometimes feel guilty of the stuff I will do to them though...

    But what doesn't kill them makes them stronger I guess. Which I also never plan on doing. I don't think I could ever permenantly kill off any of these characters even if I wanted to. Might leave their survival of something undetermined. But I will always find a way for them to survive... just in case. lol
  5. ithestargazer
    Sometimes the characters I create can comfort me more than an actual person could. They are an extension of who I al, but at the same time they're someone else. It may sound a little sad to others but writing about them, or putting them in a situation similar to mine, can often help me realise what to do.

    So no, I don't think it's pathetic in any way. Your characters, like children, are literally something that you've made and you raise them and watch them grow.
  6. Elgaisma
    I do I even name mine the same way I would my children. :)
  7. Islander
    I don't think it's strange to think of your characters as your children, since they're something you create, and you spend so much time seeing through their eyes.
  8. Shyviolet5
    I look at my character as a person looks out for their children. I change the way I say things to avoid unnecessary feelings hurt. Some people said I am dependable, others say I am an example. I am grateful for both.
  9. Shyviolet5
    I change the way I say things to avoid unnecessary feelings hurt. Some people said I am dependable, others say I am an example. I am grateful for both.
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