My Cousin’s Boyfriend. Young Diabante.

  1. My cousin and I are close.

    She’s my Bae and I’m her Boo.

    There’s nothing I wouldn’t do for her, it takes a special kind of love deal with her stubbornness and sometimes overwhelming personality.

    So, enter Diabante, an odd and yet very much educated nurse. He asked me to write about him on my blog, I really don’t know why, but I said yes and here we are now. I don’t remember all of his accomplishments (I’m sure he’ll remind me later and I’ll make sure to take notes), but he’s a awesome dude!

    I was surprised that my cousin had choose such a weirdo and I’m happy that he is so devoted to her. He has been such an positive impact on her life.
    Cave Troll likes this.


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