My mom is the proud parent of an MIT Lab Rat

By NateSean · Jun 11, 2011 · ·
  1. So, I particpated in a brain study yesterday, which took me into the bowels of one of the most prestigious universities in the country. Thus proving my point that the only way I could ever get into MIT is if I were a test subject there.

    It was just pen and paper testing yesterday, which I got paid for. But if I get invited back to do the rest of it I could get some cool pictures of my brain from the MRI and up to four hundred dollars.

    Thinking of trying to turn my brain into a T-shirt concept. But I digress.


  1. Trish
    LOL! Have you ever had an MRI? They're SO COOL! (Unless you're claustrophobic.... then probably not so much). I've had 3 and they're kinda fun (yeah, I'm weird) although they usually play fairly crappy music. They let you pick, but their assortment is uhhh... lacking. You can hardly hear it anyway over the alienesque noise of the machine :D Beam me up, Scotty!!
  2. NateSean
    I had something very close to an MRI when I was ten. They wanted to test for neurological damage causing nervous tics, but it involved diodes attached to my head while I slept.

    But, best news is I'm getting invited back, so I'll have pics of my brain before too long. Oh and money. A good chunk of hard currency.
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