Myths vs Facts(How To Disappoint Low Expectations)

By OmniTense · Dec 5, 2019 · ·
  1. The last few blog posts have been so pretentious and full of shit that they've given me a burning desire to torch some false respectability. And since I intend even more pretension and bullshit in this post, it becomes necessary. Nothing is ever quite so shameful as the truth. But once the truth is out and everyone knows it, there's a happy sense of freedom. I have no intention of making you read about me, since it's come to my attention that some people read these.

    But if I need a humbling in your eyes, this is free and this one is on me:

    Having NOTHING in the works for today, I start my day off alone. I do not have a significant other. I do not want one. That's fine by me. Some people truly are better off alone, and all the better for those people to recognize that fact, themselves.

    I start the day by perverting a cup of Ethiopian Yirgacheffe with bottom bitch E&J brandy. From there, cue the cold pizza eating with accompaniments of Rum and Coke. I'm currently flying the equivalent of three drinks high. I only drink alone. I will not drink around people I do not know.

    I do have some Latakia & Burley left for my pipe, before I'm reduced to smoking dottle and ashes. I can barely breathe these days. Only a year ago I didn't smoke and could comfortably run 4 miles in a given gym session.

    Outside my job as a greenhouse manager(greenhouse manager is an exaggeration for my benefit, but you may interpret it however you wish.), I have no contact with people. I do own a phone I don't use. I refuse to allow it to record my position, so I cannot even add contacts. I'm not on Facebook. You can't find me on Twitter. My social life consists of youtube videos I watch. I have zero people that live up to the title of friends. My death would be mourned by five family members at maximum. I'm in effect, an invisible person. Do not feel sorry for me, that would defeat the purpose of this. I am quite happy living the life I lead.

    Now to move on to the topic. Many people assume myths are fake. Like so many things in life, this is an oversimplification, in my eyes. Anyone who has ever read a "_____ for Idiots" book or ever explained anything to a child, you should know intimately the purpose of a myth. God is a bearded white man who created everything. Love is a uniting force of humanity. Pure Evil. Heroism. Santa Claus.

    These are all myths. Nothing untrue about them...and yet... If you were to embark on a mission to "disprove" them, you would have little trouble and encounter only frangible resistance. They're deceptive that way. Meretricious to a fault, and yet, for all their hidden truths, they're perishable in the extreme.

    There are truths behind the sins and lies, life may have no afterlife; but you can't count on the unknowable to back you up every single time.

    At this point we're digging into semiotics (the study of symbols, their origin and meanings.) We have things like the Designata and the Denotata. The sign which denotes and the thing which is denoted. It's a type of intellectual shorthand. The menu, the map, the dollar bill, the roadsign, the religious image and even a political party. Themselves, they mean nothing.

    But our brains cannot conceive of everything; especially of things greater than themselves. They are amazing tools, but physically limited. Try, for instance to picture 50,000 ping pong balls. Picture them exactly; to the individual ping pong ball. It's fine. You cannot do it. It's not vital, anyway. No one need picture exactly that many things; so our brain does a wonderful shorthand and pictures...just...a lot of ping pong balls. That is a myth. Not provably false, but not accurate in any way.



  1. Qbelle
    if narcisism comes into a self serving gd ... is it sin to sin? lol if he hands us over to our selfish desires ...
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