Ode to Fat Felix

By exweedfarmer · Nov 22, 2019 · ·
  1. The basic concepts of quantum mechanics are not hard to understand, they are hard to believe.

    My last entry in the short story contest was semi-autobiographical. Someone commented that the characters were not believable. I am unbelievable. I'm writing fiction. Is it a disadvantage?


  1. GrahamLewis
    Everyone's life story is reality as interpreted by the one telling it, e.g. a fiction affected by memory, projection, and wishful thinking.
  2. big soft moose
    given your self said "Petty much all dialog. Understanding quantum Physics makes you God? No real plot just stumbling around. The whole story was a set up to use the prompt quote at the end." I'm guessing it wasn't your best work...
  3. exweedfarmer
    big soft moose No, actually I rather liked it. It was my best work but it rather sucked anyway. My comment was just what I saw to be the flaws in it. I didn't say that I would change it.

    The scary thing is that if the current ideas behind quantum theory are correct, understanding it could well make you a god. I certainly wouldn't want someone like ME in that position.
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