Oooh look! A blog!

By crashbang · Mar 16, 2009 · ·
  1. What an interesting terrification of technology! Like a secret diary everyone can see! Only without secrets!

    At risk of embarrassing myself, Ill stop there. This could be handy, so I guess Ill just post my writing related stuff in here. So first:

    My mission: To become a fully fledged, professional author.

    My stories: Are generally wierd.

    Is my mission achievable?: Yes

    Am I likely to: Probably not. But Ill give it my all.

    So, onto business. I have been doing a Na-No-Wri-Mo challenge for the past three weeks. (Write a 50000 word minimum novel in a month)
    With one week to go, (Saturday 22nd) I have 14000 words to do. I slipped up - it couldve been easy if I had just stuck to 1750 words a day, but Birthday got in the way, uni work, lazing etc. Not great excuses in my book, but I can still do it. I might not finish the story itself, but I can get to 50000 words if I really graft, and sleep less. Then I can finish it over the holidays, and either do general revisions (which is the easy option) or do a complete style makeover, which would be like the 'Jabberwocky' intro I wrote a while back, which is a prologue to this book. That is the hard option. Im half inclined to it, half baulking at the work Ill have to do again. But thats the life, hopefully Ill get used to it.

    Meanwhile, I have another short story to write as well. I have ten ideas, not all good, the one Ive picked out being one called 'the picnic' hopefully it turns out alright, it might appear on these forums sometime soon, ready for people to pick apart with sharp scalpels, at least hopefully.

    But for now, theres this story over on crime and thriller.
    This one I quite like, might expand into a book of short stories about the place. It certainly has the potential, at least I think it does. But for now, it just remains a short story. And Ill go onto other things. Maybe it will appear on here again, if I make these blogs a regular thing. Its certainly an excuse to do more writing.

    Anyway, Im off to sleep now. 3000 words of the Jabberwocky story done today, now all I have to do is repeat that, on monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday, friday, saturday.

    Could be a long week.

    Till next time, Crashbang (or Spaz)


  1. Den
    I'll do you the favor and grace you with my pithy, crappy comments. I don't even know why I visit forums online... Anyway...

    I'm in a bit of a rut, so watching you get to all this writing gives me a headache. I can barely write now. My atmosphere sucks: smack dab in the middle of the living room...with noise...and a television... But this is you, not me.

    Basically, my point is that you're overwhelming load of work is actually draining my energy away from me. Thank you very much. D:

    =D Good luck with everything.
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