Paludarium Update

By OurJud · Oct 26, 2020 · ·
  1. Finally finished my first paludarium. It became one of those projects that reached the stage where I just wanted to see the back of it - not because I'd lost interest, but because I felt it was important to get my first out of the way so I could learn for the next.

    Right now the water's very cloudy and I want to wait for it to clear before I turn on the pump to see if my waterfall gives the desired effect. The water will hopefully trickle from beneath the large rock at the top, along the slate outcrop and over the edge into the body of water below. Only time will tell how long the moss lives.

    paldarium_side.png paldarium_top.png paldarium_top2.png


  1. Friedrich Kugelschreiber
    what manner of creatures will you be keeping?
      Foxxx and OurJud like this.
  2. OurJud
    Just snails for now (I found a couple of tiny specimens on my front door). Any aquatic life would be of the microbe variety. Might just go and fill a Mason jar from a pond and put that in... a kind of nature lucky dip, if you will.
      jannert, EFMingo, Foxxx and 1 other person like this.
  3. jim onion
    Super cool man.
      OurJud likes this.
  4. OurJud
    Thanks :)

    Think I'll make a closed ecosystem next as a break. You basically fill one of these airtight, clip-top jars with pond life (well, water and plants - the life will hitch-hike by default) and then close the lid, never to be opened again. The system will either thrive or crash, but if it thrives the water clears, plants grow and life cycles indefinitely.
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