Politics and words

By pinelopikappa · Oct 7, 2009 · ·
  1. Today is basically the first day of the newly elected goverment, which generally makes it a hopeful day for all of us.
    The thing is, at times like that words are so missused they lose their meaning. If you are someone who loves reading and writing, abused words are heartbreaking.
    I'd protest but who cares. Makes you wonder what's the point.
    Culture of politics, the citizen first, the public interst above all, social agreement, struggle, merit system etc. And what the hell does "horizontal politics" mean? It almost sounds obsene.


  1. Prometheus
    Using "Horizontal Politics" to describe what is happening over there is unfair to a phrase that has so much promise. I heard you guys are looking at a 40%VAT, no cash purchases (to restrict the free black market, and possibly getting kicked out of the EU.....well, that last one wouldn't be so bad.
  2. pinelopikappa
    I just saw your comment.

    What is going on here is a huge mess, and foreign media present it in whatever light they want. The EU has to help, because they are not innocent themselves. Also beacause it'll bring everyone down. That's a long story...
    Meanwhile everyday we hear about new taxes, which freaks us out. We know we have to pay, and everybody wants to help. The goverment has a huge consensus. But it's more than money. It's a matter of lost trust, embarrasement and anger.
    People are seriously pissed off. You have no idea!
  3. pinelopikappa
    I just saw your comment.

    The unofficial word to describe the situation, the one at everybody's lips is: br@thel

    What is going on here is a huge mess, and foreign media present it in whatever light they want (accodring to the country). The EU has to help, because they are not innocent themselves. Also beacause it'll bring everyone down. That's a long story...
    Meanwhile everyday we hear about new taxes, which freaks us out. We know we have to pay, and everybody wants to help. The goverment has a huge consensus. But it's more than money. It's a matter of lost trust, embarrasement and anger.
    People are seriously pissed off. You have no idea!
  4. pinelopikappa
    I just saw your comment.

    The unofficial word to describe the situation, the one at everybody's lips is: br@thel

    What is going on here is a huge mess, and foreign media present it in whatever light they want (accodring to the country). The EU has to help, because they are not innocent themselves. Also beacause it'll bring everyone down. That's a long story...
    Meanwhile everyday we hear about new taxes, which freaks us out. We know we have to pay, and everybody wants to help. The goverment has a huge consensus. But it's more than money. It's a matter of lost trust, embarrasement and anger.
    People are seriously pissed off. You have no idea!
  5. pinelopikappa
    I posted the first message on the 10-07-2009, and now, on the 25th of August 2011, I can't believe my own optimism. I was right to mistrust their vague words.

    If it wasn't all so tragic I'd be laughing.
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