POV from an evil character? Writing an alternative plot?

By jesseabigail · Dec 22, 2012 · ·
  1. I've always loved the theme of madness. I don't know why, it has always intrigued me. My novel's protagonist is a good character. She has suffered a great deal of tragedy but remained in idealist and optimistic beliefs, even when they are challenged by more tragedy within the story line. My protagonist is also of an "evil" clan's blood and therefore, she has the disadvantage of genetics urging her towards darkness.

    She is going to pull through and still be the good guy, I believe but I can't help but what if--

    What if she doesn't take the good path? What if she falls off, spiraling into darkness, and becoming the enemy or the "bad guy" herself? I really like the idea of an "evil" protagonist. Should I test this idea out in a short story? I don't know. I'm talking to myself on here I guess...


  1. Oswiecenie
    Implying there is not already enough stuff out there with "evil" protagonists. This has been done like a thousand times before.
  2. jesseabigail
    Of course it has been done a thousand times. But with my specific novel, I think it would be fun to write an alternate version in short story form. I have just been wondering if I wanted to change the entire series, but I had decided not to. I just thought it would be a fun exercise to rewrite it. Of course in short story form. And my manuscripts are already done, I was just playing with the idea in my head.

    What hasn't been done 1000 times before?
    There is already enough stuff with "good" protagonists. There's also enough of idiotic, tedious storylines that do not feel real.
  3. jesseabigail
    I never said that this hasn't been done 132422342 times before, by the way. I was just sort of rambling to myself about what if I wrote my novel that way...how different it would be.

    I can tell you that no one has done "this" before. Originality. Depth. People lack depth and creativity in modern society. You look at Harry Potter and what character depth do you see? None, the only character that seemed to have any interesting qualities with a background story was Snape. You look at Twilight (garbage) and you see how flat and unrealistic the characters are. Ugh.

    The world needs better writers, more creative minds.
  4. Oswiecenie
    True that. Modern people are crap and so is modern "literature".
  5. jesseabigail
    I agree over one thousand times! I don't like most books, film, or television. At least what's modern. No one knows anything about anything anymore....it's all so simple minded.
  6. Em_Anders
    I agree it would be a fun and interesting writing exercise for you to rewrite your protagonist as 'evil'. Anything that can bring your character out of their 'comfort zone' can only help improve and diversify your skill with them. I'm curious to know how madness fits into your character's switch from good to evil. Would becoming 'evil' cause her to go mad, or would her struggle to remain 'good' do it?
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