Psychics: Real or Not

By mugen shiyo · Dec 31, 2011 · ·
  1. I'm wondering whether there is any validity to it. Like anything not really well known, there is the serious side and the goofy side. For the serious, think of the rashes that are triggered (or a theorized to be triggered) by stress, as well as the strange range of ailments suffered by the body and mind during such times. What this says is that our mental state or our mind has a certain influence over our physical body. Our thoughts can alter our physical state. That would mean that your thoughts, which can affect someone else's thoughts, can alter someone else's physical state. Well known is the woman who lifted a car to save her child.

    In a serious light, studying psychic abilities is an ascended for of psychology ignored by professionals to embarrassed or fearful of it to be different or be ridiculed. (thought it's unfair to call them cowards since their fear is based on the almost immediate ridicule people would give them for even stating such and the immediate threat to their income should they pursue such) Psychic abilities, to me, simply highlight the highly unexplored relation between mind and matter. Einstein believed matter and energy where interchangeable, if not the same. Matter can produce energy and energy can produce matter. Think of it another way and each is capable of controlling the other. Now this is not where we make the leap of believing we are all Tetsuo from Akira somewhere down inside- though I LOVED that scene where he flew up into space on top of the satellite. Mind-blowing at the time (1997, I think). I couldn't say the range or potential of such abilities, but one thing I feel assured of is that we would have a far more complete understanding and control of our bodies.

    External psychic abilities probably have something to do with the power of suggestion, the degree of perception, and perhaps something a little more unexplained. Radio waves are a form of energy and I'd say that all matter acts as receptors to that energy in some varying degree or another. It wouldn't surprise me that we could psychically read the shifts in a persons "energy" that correlate to their mood the same way we read the shifting expressions of their face and/or body. After all, our bodies interpret sound and light energy and we hardly process through our conscious side all the information received from either.

    Why might it be difficult to learn or accept? I think there is a sort of war between the subconscious ans conscious sides of us. Hypnotists are probably the furthest pioneers into the mind- on a psychic scale- we can officially account for. You can see it in their process of navigating through a persons mind and thoughts as they bring them from consciousness to subconsciousness that there is definitely a barrier. We like to be in control of ourselves. Not being so can be as freaky for a person as waking up driving without there hands on the wheel. It actually seems like there are two parallel sides. As if one part was sealed off from the other in some way, naturally. When a hypnotist wants to explore, he asks to conscious to appease and negotiate with the subconscious as if it were the medium. Because of this, our unconscious evaluation of the data or consciousness largely ignores goes unnoticed. That and the consciousness is FILLED with misconceptions, preconceptions, fears, emotions, etc that will distort such authentic psychic impressions or readings, if any, into something COMPLETELY different and unreliable.

    And strangely, just in the same way the answer to one question leads to a hundred others, the sense of clarity and discovery that unfolding psychic talents would bring would almost immediately be clouded by the fact that it brings into focus, perhaps, another dimension of existence. Psychic abilities do not necessarily prove the higher existence of the individual "soul". It's still, when trying to think seriously on it, a simple matter of matter and thoughts or matter and energy interacting on a scale largely unknown to us. But it's possible. Many things are possible. That's why even in our time, there is always opportunity for adventure...if you're not afraid to take the plunge from the known.


  1. suhailp
    I think when it comes to the mind and understanding our mental faculties, both conscious and subconscious ones, we should look to biology and our understanding of the inner workings and functioning of the brain. It is from here that all else follows. It is very easy imo, to mistake some biological mechanisms for certain events with physic abilities. To me, this seems like an inference that is likely untrue. But then again, I have no empirical evidence to suggest otherwise, nor is my knowledge of the biology deep enough to tell you what these phenomena you're talking about might have been. What is it exactly you mean when you talk about physic abilities? Perhaps the power to read other people’s minds and the like?
    My personal experience of those who claim to have such powers has of course has made me rather sceptical. For instance, often supposed physics will use clever wording and suggestion to give one the false appearance of having such supernatural abilities. And perhaps you may have had a supposed "physic" experience yourself. For example, you may feel with a strong degree of certainty to know how another is feeling, or what they are they thinking purely through some unknown medium. This may be due to a number of reasons, body language, pheromones and other hormones may have triggered that sense of "knowing" within you.
    In terms of hypnotic powers, again this may perhaps be some biological mechanisms that are not properly known and understood by science. Or it may simply be the power of suggestion or the like to induce these long lost memories. But the human mind, from what I have studied, is a powerfull organ, a biological machine essentially, that has evolved to interact and function in tandem with the world we occupy. Just like we are unable to see every molecule in the air, all the varying light waves that exist, perhaps the mind is designed to forget memories in such a manner, for they become burdensome of clutter the mind. There are different parts of the brain where long and short term memories are stored separately. The mind frequently “forgets” old information and replaces it with new, necessary data. Here’s an interesting article I read a while back on why it is useful for the human mind to forget certain memories. With these powers of suggestion it may be hypnotists are able to help us tap into those deeply embedded memories within our mind. I however, do not know enough on the subject to say so with any certainty.
    However, I do agree with you Mugen in that there is a great deal that is not known about the world of matter, and great deal more yet to be discovered about the mind. And indeed it is unfortunately very difficult to avoid misconceptions for our capacity to reason is not infallible. False causal inferences are very common. But perhaps there may be some truth to these physic abilities. Like that common feeling of de ja vou, or picking up the phone just before it rings and so forth. Many times I have often wondered "could this be merely by chance?", and then it occurs to me, perhaps it may be by sheer luck I should happen to pick up the phone before it rang. Statistically is it not impossible that it could happen during your lifetime numerous times if you were to say, receive 10 phone calls a day? I often check my phone to see if I have messages a great deal many times more then that. But my mind seems to remember those rare occasions I did pick it up just before it rang or received a message, rather then the many dozens of times I went to check it and it didn’t. Perhaps then it is by mere wrongly making the inference, from a fallible memory and reasoning, that people come to form such beliefs in supernatural powers.
    Overall you make an interesting argument Mugen, but whether or not physic abilities exist, I cannot be certain either way. I hope they do however, it’d be pretty damn awesome dude =)
  2. suhailp
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