By Shinn · Aug 30, 2010 · ·
  1. Okay, to borrow something off Elgaisma, I will be having a Q&A session on my blog with my MC; an SAS operative, Sgt. James Greig, 22 SAS Regt.

    Ask away people; Jimmy will be happy to answer.


  1. Eunoia
    Okay.. if Jimmy could only save either his best friend or his only sibling, which would he choose and why?
    (That the kind of question you're looking for? :p)
  2. Chudz

    How would you sum up your experiences during the selection process for entry into the Special Air Service?
  3. Shinn
    That's a toughie Eunoia. I have to say my sibling, since we have been together since birth.

    (And yup :p)
  4. Shinn
    My experiences for Selection? Bloody tough if you ask me Chudz. I had get my mind and body in top physical condition. Out of 50 or so guys that were at the start, only five of us were left at the end; me, Lisle, Neon, Frog and Chimp. We all passed with flying colors and I'm proud to say that in my six years with the SAS, I've never felt this good.
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