"SID" development story #1: "Ultranumb"

By live2write · Apr 1, 2012 · ·

    Wilton technologies have created machines and automations to better the lives of the human race. There comes a point where machines can only do so much and a human can depend on machines for so long. To solve this problem further expansion in our development for better technologies was put in place. The majority of our company produces medical equipment for doctors and hospitals to help take care of sick patients efficiently. It is the one career where machines are not allowed to replace doctors.
    A doctor had visited my office and introduced himself as a professor of specialized nano technology. He pitched the idea that the company has targeted the medical field but failed to target the pharmaceutical market. There was no need for Wilton technologies to create drugs when we create machines. It was not until he presented his proposal:
    “Pharmaceuticals create drugs to help ‘cure’ the human being from physical to mental illnesses. However there is a human error where the probability of the drugs working varies from human to human. I have been studying the use of nano technology and found results that you maybe interested in. Thousands of nanobots the size of small cells are programmed and inserted into the body; once released the nanobots will help treat the human from the disease it is programmed to cure. A cancer patient could use this as an alternative to the expensive chemotherapy and a patient with Parkinson’s can live a normal life.”
    Soon enough the development of the nano drug was accepted by the Wilton technical board under several circumstances. The drug would be under a trial period for one year to determine the efficiency and the stability of the treatment on humans. Also the nano drug must not cure any medical related illness. Instead the drug will focus on the evolution and adjustment of human personality and interaction.
    Upon the drug’s release developer Dr. B. Autrey named the drug “Ultranumb” and marketed it as a way to escape the problems of daily life and second chance start life over again. Soon enough people lined up at our “trial” facility and purchased the drug at an expensive price.


  1. peachalulu
    Hi , is this the start of your book Ultranumb - or are you fleshing out the idea? Some interesting stuff here but so far - it's a lot of back story and we don't really have a handle on the main character. Who he or she is , if she or he is excited about their discoveries or the overall tone of the story like is this going to be a mystery , is something going to go wrong with the nano technology , is there any opposition? A strong scene with some action or argument introducing your main characters might help to convey everything you've described - but instead of telling us , would show us. You could even cut to the chase and start with the line up of people , pushing and shoving to get their hands on the drug Ultranumb.
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