Random Thought for the Day

By SonnehLee · Dec 26, 2008 · ·
  1. Okay! So, I had a thought today. For the first time in a long time, I have an iPod and headphones. And I'm listening to a comedian, Mitch Hedberg, and I accidentally pulled the ear phones out. Then, I put them in, and I missed the punch line of a good joke.

    So, this is what I think should be invented. Motion-activated headphones. That way, it'll pause when you accidentally rip headphones out of your ears, so you don't lose the point in a song (or the punch line to a good joke.)

    I think they'd sell.

    Anyway, that is my idea for the night. Now I should go to bed.


  1. Banzai
    Ipods do pause when you pull the headphones out.
  2. SonnehLee
    No, not when you pull the headphones out of the iPod, when you pull the headphones out of your ear!

    I should have clarified.
  3. hiddennovelist
    1. I think that would be a great idea because I pull my headphones out of my ears all the time at work.

    2. Mitch Hedberg, FTW!
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