Rant on Religion

By Thagryn-Sylrand · Jun 5, 2008 · ·
  1. All of the things stated here are my opinion and open for debate via private messaging or by posting a comment.

    I got the following quote from a free online movie called Zeitgeist (it is a movie with lots of conspiracy theories but it has some good stuff and it can be found here http://www.zeitgeistmovie.com/)
    I am not going to get it right because I do not want to try to find the quote and memorize it from a 2 hour movie.
    "Religion would have you believe that there is an invisible man in the sky who can see what you are doing 24 hours a day for the rest of your life. And this man has ten rules which if you don't follow will lead to an eternity in hell where you will rot and burn forever...............................................................but he loves you.......................and he wants MONEY!!!!!"
    Now I am not saying that I don't believe in god it is just the god that christianity or the bible would have you believe in seems unjust. But some people would say that you have a whole lifetime to repent and clean yourself of sin so that you will go to heaven. That's cool, but if you think about it, what is one lifetime compared to an eternity of punishment (or heaven, but the only people who will get there are christians.) This does not seem as fair as many people say he is.

    I also have some other things to point out, who was Cain or Able's wife? Does it say anywhere in the bible that Adam and eve had daughters and if they did, wouldn't the whole affair be incest? which I believe is a sin. Yes most of these will be little questions I have. I guess this was more on christianity than anything.

    And religion in general has been the cause of quite some serious disputes. Such as the Crusades, the Inquisition, residential schools, the witch hunts and other such calamities. I am sure god would be proud of his followers.

    Well if this is offensive please let me know and I will change it. Thanks for reading!


  1. MarcG
    Not saying that I believe it... but here's a counterargument. Take into account that the bible is little more than fiction. Some stories may have happened, but they have been twisted. Regardless.

    The Catholic religion is an organization based around money. Sometimes it's used well. Sometime it isn't. Oh well. You are not required to give them money, nor are you required to practice Christianity (or any faith or lack thereof) in the methods they propose. You do not need to be Catholic, or Protestant, or Baptist, or Mormon, or ANYTHING ELSE to be a Christian. Or a Buddhist. Or an Athiest. Anything. All it requires is that you believe what the group believes about the core of the religion. Christianity: there is a God, and Jesus was his son and our savior. There you go. If you believe that, you're a Christian. I've just saved you a tithe if you felt you needed to go to church to prove that. The same goes for any religion.

    I find it odd you place residential schools between the Inquisition and Witch Hunts. You parents send you to a Catholic boarding school or something? ;)
  2. Thagryn-Sylrand
    I have a separate belief for what the bible is. I think it is a book of metaphors and symbols that point to a belief system which is Christianity. I believe this because the you would have me believe that there was a flood of the earth and two of every animal were loaded onto a ship for the purpose of repopulating. Yes this story does sound like it has been warped but the underlying message is that god killed off everyone but his favorite faithful family.

    As for Jesus, I believe he existed but I don't believe he was god himself. He was a person who I would say was enlightened and had a positive message to share which ended up turning into (basically) the new testament. His message, like others in the bible, was most likely warped by the authors or by the priests who made a religion out of it.

    If to be a christian I had to believe in Christ as my savior (which I don't) than what church would I join? I think Joel Osteen has it right (having a no denomination church) but even that could create some conflict because they have a separate teaching.

    No I did not go to a boarding school. I just put those in the order they came into my head (in Canada residential schools get a lot of tv time).

    thanks for the post!
  3. MarcG
    That would be Judaism at it's core from the looks of it. The Jewish faith is primarily split from Christianity because although for the most part they respected Jesus, (reports vary.) they didn't and don't believe he was the son of God.

    You wouldn't have to call it anything. You just say you believe in God, but are not affiliated with any church or religion. The way I see it, religion is just organized faith. It is like an egg carton. It may keep the eggs together and will prevent the less fragile from breaking, but an egg with a thick enough shell can stand on its own.
  4. Thagryn-Sylrand
    I'm not Jewish but I guess I sound like it.

    Who says my beliefs aren't organized? I'll probably have another blog entry on my beliefs.
  5. chad.sims2
    Really i think the only mention of incest being bad in the bible is a story about two daughters getting there father drunk and having there way with him. But throughout the bible brothers and sisters have been the only living people to marry. Noahs ark for instance. People forget that societies rules, the chathlic churches rules, or any churches rules are not god's rules, and are not in the bible. The bible does say you should give to your church what you can afford to give and still live. Chathilisism though is really about money and bribing your way into heaven after liveing a life of worshiping idols (POPE! Virgin mary! The saints) The bible mentions saints but never gives man the right ot declare someone one. The pope and the chathlic church are no where in the bible the pope is evil because he does things that are against the bible and convinces other to do the same though giving us christians (Non Denominational) a bad name. That goes for these crazy chirstian sects that keep poping up all over the south. The lady who said all military men are gay, and i think this new one is a christian based one too right? The one that was supposidly raping and forcing children into marriage.
  6. SonnehLee
    Although I can't argue with the money thing, because a lot of that is true. (although biblically the effort on tithing was just to keep you from growing an attachment to it, the humans screwed it up), I can say something about the Cain and Abel thing. The Hebrew word for Adam means "man." and man, can refer to humans, or a single man, and so, when he took the rib, made Eve, he created "women," and thus came the females of the human race. I believe that the Adam and Eve story is sort of an example of people in their day.

    Oh, and Abel never had a wife. He died.
  7. Charisma
    I'm not a Christian, and probably would never want to join that religion since I'm pretty happy with my own. Now something which I can answer:

    Repentance is a simple thing. You say, from the bottom of your heart, I'm sorry, and it's all chill. Nothing much to worry. Allah, for instance, would simply forgive you even if you had done adultery a skillion billion times. He holds no grudge and He isn't fond of punishing. You just need to ask for forgiveness and it's over.
    As far as 'punishment in hell for eternity', you do have heaven for eternity on the contrary. In Islam, there is no age for repentance, no specific number of times you pray for salvation. Just pray from the bottom of your heart, and Allah is most merciful, most gracious. It is important to note that every chapter in the Quran (our Holy Book) begins with 'In the Name of Allah, The Beneficent, the Merciful'.
    As far as 'only the followers of xyz religion will enter heaven', there's a simple logic to this. Someone who marries a woman with the intention to fulfill the Islamic injunction of marriage, and someone who marries a woman just 'cause his parents say so, are not the same. In the same way, someone who does good for self-satisfaction and someone who does it for God are not the same. [Debate is welcome in PM]

    Not religion, religious people as such. You'll probably bring in 'Radical Islam', therefore I'll correct it and say 'Radical Hypocrites'.
  8. Thagryn-Sylrand
    If you read this and would like to respond, post the response here and I will respond to it via pm-ing.
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