Re: Writing Speed

By nastyjman · Sep 28, 2010 · ·
  1. <after reading, I typed this out>

    So my head is bubbling and was wondering about the speed in in writing. I read thread that quality trumps quantity, then quantity trupms quality since you'll work on the fisnished slop anyway after the first draft, am i right? As I tip this, I'm looking down on mykeyboard not loing up if i made a typ ofr if i made any gramatical errors and misspellings. Jees. It's kind of fun just doing this. Jusrt upchucking words that comes to mind, not even thinking what comes afgtter and then flowing so fluidly to the next phrase. A litte experiment thi9s is. So bare with me. I don't know what I would like to achieve with thibe just to experience what it feels to type as you think and let the words stream out, consciousness treading to a piece of paper, re./

    An imag4e. The blue skies radiated with the sun's fervent rays. A child walks by a tree and looks up to see a green apple, untainted and and untouched. He reaches for it, but well knew that he can't with his height. He barked at the sun, asked it if he can help him. The sun opened its eyes and a big smile resontated fropm it s girth. Two arnms came out from his side and reached over the tree to shake it. Without realizing it , the sun forgot he was made of fire, thus ending the tree a flame. The kidcamereped away. the sun looked in horror and in emabarassment./ He began to cry. His tears jumped out from his eyes and onto the burning fire. The fire was extinguished eventually, the sun looked at the mangl;ed tree and was cmforted that the tree was alright. he shone his brightess rays for the recoviring tree. and it lived for another year.schlep. But may

    <A revise will follow ;)>


  1. Joanna the Mad
    The automatic writing technique. :)

    After doing a psychological analysis on the second paragraph, I can say - with 99% probability - that you like tanning and you are mildly sadistic towards small children.
  2. nastyjman
    For the tan part, I am naturally tanned. :D

    For the sadist part, I had watched "Billy's Balloon by Don Hertzfeldt" before writing the experiment above. If you've seen the cartoon, you'd understand why I wrote those images. :)

    On a side note, I hate commenting with emotes after each sentence/paragraph. :mad:
  3. Joanna the Mad
    Never seen the cartoon.. Should I?

    You went from :D to :) to :(. Not good, not good!!
  4. Joanna the Mad
    oh no it's even the angry smiley. *hides*
  5. nastyjman
    Hehe. The cartoon is on youtube. Basically, the cartoon is about Billy's red balloon which turns against him in violent ways. The style is simple - stick-figure simple but with expressive facial animation. It's also in black and white.
  6. Joanna the Mad
    A violent balloon... I have to see that. Something really entertaining about violent cartoons.
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