Silence is Broken

By ChaosReigns · Dec 11, 2017 · ·
  1. I've been away from the site for longer than I'd like to have been, mostly due to university but also in part that during my first attempt of second year my mental health took a massive hit, and I almost gave up, I'm back on track now thankfully and I'm enjoying writing again (which is another hint that I'm getting back on track) as such I'm hoping to be a little more active on the site once again. (I've missed you guys, like seriously)

    In short, I've finished the first draft of the third book in The Master Swordsman Chronicle, started the fourth and have started rewriting the first one. It feels good to be back writing again and actually getting things done at uni too

    I also had Colours of New Technology accepted into a e-zine (I'll edit it in when I'm not on my tablet later on) which was great and I might get more sci-fi work out of it if they have another ezine come out some point soon
    matwoolf, crappycabbage and Trish like this.


  1. Trish
    Welcome back! I'm happy to hear you're back on track. And a huge congratulations on your acceptance to an ezine, and the progress you've made on your series :D
      ChaosReigns likes this.
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