
By HollieHicks · Jul 19, 2011 · ·
  1. Sirens going off,
    Cars rushing out of their way,
    No body ever thought her pain would her that far,
    Everyone just stood there and watched without a care.

    As she laid there unconscious,
    For the result of telling her she was ugly, fat, and a slut, Where ever she went they talked,
    She couldn't take all the stress anymore.

    She waited impatiently until the world was asleep,
    Thinking to her self, this is the only thing to solve the problems and hate.

    She grabbed not just one or two or three pills,
    But plenty more,
    She sat there waiting impatiently for them to work, for her to finally stop hurting,
    She died that night and no one had a care in the world.


  1. Jayyy1014
    Hmm, I like the message you were putting through that. I can totally relate to that. More people need to realize how their actions and words hurt people.
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