Slowly Getting There

By BEyre · Apr 18, 2011 · ·
  1. Well, another week has ended. I did not get to write as much as I would have liked due to the day job. Gotta pay the bills, don't you know. :rolleyes:

    However, I did write 1035 words today - my most to date. So, now my novel is up to a whopping 5122 words. *snickers* Ummm, I have just a 'few' more words to go. ;)

    In my defense, I have been doing research on various details of my story (places, etc). And, I've been reading posts on forums on various topics concerning how-to writing tips.

    AND, I've been reading books in my novel's genre. If I stay immersed in the tone and cadence of these novels, it may make things easier for me to write mine. That's the theory anyways. :D

    I'm trying hard to just type it out. Yes, I do go back to previous scenes when I realize I left something out or an additional detail comes to me. Heck, I've even noticed that I was spelling one character's name wrong often! LOL. Silly me.

    I figure, make as much of those types of corrections now in the first draft so that when I go to do the second draft, it is that much less to work on. I can then focus more on imagery, making sure the plot and details flow and make sense, etc.


  1. mugen shiyo
    5,000 words is awesome to me, considering my attention span. I never get past the prologue.

    You know, I think that reading things outside your genre improves your writing. Prevents you from being to narrow in focus or like opening the windows in your brain :p

    Serious writing is as demanding as any other job, but more so because it is your own little business. I've found that out myself and the writings you are doing now will probably help you identify what type of writer you are and your strengths and weakness.

    You've got awesome commitment and energy. Hope everything comes out well.
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