snap chat has been hacked

By MeghanPhoxx · May 25, 2019 · ·
  1. Not that anyone on here has me as a "friend" on the app just a warning, my snapchat was hacked last night by someone hacking my family member first, they asked for a favor, and the favor was if they could use my login information to see if something was wrong with their account, not so weird coming from family so i fucken gave them my info and went on facebook and to my horror i saw my family member's post about being hacked, so i quickly called her up and sure enough it was too late! They changed all my info, got into my email associated with that account... this is the definition of a MODERN DAY NIGHTMARE. I have countless memories i will never get back and God, not to mention the fkn nudes... be aware, be careful!
    Cave Troll and Moon like this.


  1. Moon
    That sucks. Here's hoping you don't get into any hairy situations from this.
      MeghanPhoxx likes this.
  2. MeghanPhoxx
    thank you! i believe they are looking for credit card info/bank stuff, luckily so far, everything is okay on that end! and i was able to reover the email account !! most important!
      Moon likes this.
  3. Matt E
    To avoid this kind of thing I recommend:
    • Never use the same password that you used for snapchat again; if you use it elsewhere, change it
    • Don't use the same password on more than one website. That's how they were able to get into your email. Make up a new password and use it for a password manager like Lastpass, and for every other site, generate the password and store it in last pass. Never use the same password twice.
    • Use this method to come up with easy to remember passwords:
    • Never tell anyone your password to anything. If you absolutely must, call them up and talk to them first. Make sure it's actually them you're talking to not someone claiming to be them.
    • If someone else initiates contact with you, give them no information. Give zero information to anyone who calls you on the phone. Don't click links in email. If you get called about a bill, hang up, find the number for that company, and you call them. That's the only way to be sure that you're actually talking to who they say they are
    • Since they had access to your email account, they could have used that to reset any of your passwords. Change your passwords everywhere, and store new ones in Lastpass or similar password manager.
    • Monitor your credit card bill, cancel the card if you are at all suspicious.
    • Set up multifactor authentication wherever you can, especially on the email account. Use an app like Google Authenticator.
      MeghanPhoxx likes this.
  4. Some Guy
    what is a snapchat?
      MeghanPhoxx likes this.
  5. Moon
  6. Cave Troll
    I am sorry that happened. Peoples can be so nasty.
      MeghanPhoxx and Some Guy like this.
  7. Margaret999
    If you want different passwords for every other account but have a fear of forgetting password So, don't worry about forgetting password because service provides you, If you use password autofill – as password managers provide – your username and password are automatically filled in when you visit sites you are saved. Use LastPass Promo Code to get discount.
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