So Uninspired... :c

By Ice Queen · Aug 13, 2011 · ·
  1. Ugh. I've been stuck in this same feeling all Summer. I want to write something so badly, but everytime I get ideas for plot or characters, I get excited for a while and write some stuff but then the feeling drains out; either that or I keep constantly changing the plot and or characters until I don't know where I'm going anymore :c It frustrates me so badly because I feel like I need to write but I can't figure out what!

    Do you guys feel like this sometimes? How do you get out of it?!?

    I need to catch an idea and stick to it but I don't know how... help!


  1. beaver777
    I know that feeling very well... My recommendation is: write shorter fiction. I tried to write a novel, and ended with a novella. Once the creative magic is gone, it's gone (for me, anyways). So, write as far as the story takes you, and when it's no longer a coherent whole, put it aside and write something else.

    You could always just use free association. Write about what you see from the window, or anything like that. You could even try prose poetry... Hell, it doesn't even have to have characters or anything. Google Arthur Rimbaud's A Season in Hell for a fine example of good prose poetry. :)
  2. MRD
    Listen to music, or go for a walk. Those two things always get me out of a plotting pickle. Daydream. Don't try to force it, just let it flow out of you.

    Sometimes plotting a novel takes a while, in the meantime write what you already have. That's bound to get you thinking about your story and such.
  3. mugen shiyo
    I was like that once. Realized it was because I never had a purpose to my characters. I just liked to write about the characters or an event I imagined in my head. For a story, you need to have a sort of goal or destination. What is the purpose of the story or where is it going and all that. Once you can figure that out, all those characters and such you made will begin to fall into place.

    But that's not always the case. Sometimes you start out randomly a work a plot in from there...
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