Something about nothing 3.... 8 years on

By TheEndOfMrsY · Dec 9, 2020 · ·
  1. Recently, I have logged back into this after 8 years and had a bit of a cringe when I looked at the blog entries I made when I was 21.

    From what I can update from those:
    1. I did get that degree and made a career with it!

    2. That boyfriend I mentioned is no more (no sad tale to tell, just the boy I was with at 21 so the chances of that lasting were slim to none anyway ha!) though I am now in the house buying process with my boyfriend now.

    3. I'm still pretty pessimistic but now I like to make sure I give a good wack at things I want to do which is why I have come back here because despite writing pretty much all of my life, I never really gave it a proper go. Why not use a community of people who can tell me where I can improve right? (Also gives me something to do whilst my boyfriend is taking up my whole front room playing D&D online with his friends)

    I guess that is pretty much everything I've done in 8 years summed up in not so many words.


  1. EFMingo
    That cringe of looking at your past self is no joke. Sometimes hilarious, but most of the time it's just awful! :D
      CrimsonAngel and TheEndOfMrsY like this.
  2. TheEndOfMrsY
    Tell me about it.
    The naivety :meh:
      EFMingo likes this.
  3. CrimsonAngel
    How old are you now?
  4. CrimsonAngel
    Never mind, I noticed that you are twenty-eight now.
      TheEndOfMrsY likes this.
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